
Bible Study

Q&A 1659—What about The Passion Translation?

Posted: July 22, 2024

What do you think about The Passion Translation? Brian Simmons is the translator. I really like its energy, and the way he puts things. I agree, TPT has a consistent… Read More

“Jesus, Contradicted” – a new book by Mike Licona

Posted: June 4, 2024

Well, it’s done! The new book was released last Tuesday (May 28). As I’m writing this, it’s the #1 New Release in Christian Hermeneutics for Kindle and #1 New Release… Read More

The New Living New Testament Commentary

Posted: May 1, 2024

Our 1000-page running commentary on the entire New Testament is also a living document, as updates and improvements are made throughout the course of every year. As one of our… Read More

FREE BOOK: Calling Out the People of God: Ezekiel’s Challenge for Today’s Church

Posted: February 27, 2024

We’d like to offer you a book. It’s challenging. It’s prophetic (based on the message of Ezekiel). And it’s now available for all website members. For those who prefer to… Read More

Philip & the Nubian Official (Mark Wilson)

Posted: February 2, 2024

For a (surprising?) re-interpretation of Acts 8:26-40, the account of the conversion of the “Ethiopian Eunuch,” see N.T. scholar Mark Wilson’s compelling re-evaluation. Philip and the Nubian Official Wilson 2024

Silly Putty Bible Study

Posted: September 1, 2023

AUTHOR Greg Koukl Published on 09/01/2023 To celebrate Stand to Reason’s 30th anniversary, we’ll be republishing classic issues of Solid Ground that represent some of the foundational ideas characterizing our… Read More

Helpful Books (extensive bibliography), Version XXXV

Posted: July 22, 2023

Click for an extensive, and continually developing, bibliography for the reading Christian. Helpful Books Apr 2024 – Version XXXV 

Q&A 1636—Reading the New Testament through a Jewish Lens (?)

Posted: June 1, 2023

Is it true that the Bible can only be truly understood through a Jewish lens—the views to the rabbis who wrote the Talmud, Mishnah, etc? Some podcasts I’m listening to… Read More

Siege of Lachish—new analysis of the construction of the siege ramp

Posted: February 9, 2023

(Shared by Andrew Agerbak) Dear fellow British Museum tour guides, I saw this today and thought it added some additional richness to my favourite part of the museum: the Lachish… Read More

Prism 31: Self-assessment

Posted: January 31, 2023

. The questions and answers may be found in the audio recording and below, in the text of this post. Questions: Who devoted considerable time, expense, and energy to finding the Christ… Read More

Prism 30: Prime Prism Passages on Christ & the OT

Posted: January 30, 2023

. Following are 7 of my favorite passages in Matthew on the relationship of Christ to the Old Testament. 5:17—Jesus fulfills the Law. 22:40—Love as fulfillment the of Law. 23:23—The… Read More

Prism 29: Matthew the Evangelist

Posted: January 29, 2023

Matthew is mentioned in Matthew 9:9 and 10:3, and comes from Capernaum. His other name is Levi, son of Alpheus (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27). Matthew collected taxes for Herod Antipas, tetrarch… Read More

Prism 28: Review

Posted: January 28, 2023

. In this unit of our series, we make a rapid review of (most of) what we’ve learned so far in the Prism series.  

Prism 27: Terrified Men, Courageous Women (Matt 28:1-20)

Posted: January 27, 2023

. Resurrection (Matt 28:1-10) Terrified men & courageous women First witnesses of resurrection are women. Worship (v.9) Commission (Matt 28:11-20) Mountain—connection with Matt 5 and 17, and with Moses Worship—and Jesus… Read More

Prism 26: Sepulcher & Stone (Matt 27:57-66)

Posted: January 26, 2023

. Rich man (Matt 27:57-61) Isa 53:9 Wisdom 2:12—”Let us lie in wait for the righteous one, because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions; he reproaches us for… Read More

Prism 25: Through the Veil (Matt 27:45-54)

Posted: January 25, 2023

. Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? (Matt 27:45-50) Darkness (not an eclipse) Eli ~ Eliyahu Psalm 22 The Tear (Matt 27:51-54) Torn curtain = access to God. The raising of the… Read More

Prism 24: Crucifixion (Matt 27:15-44)

Posted: January 24, 2023

. Before Pilate (Matt 27:15-19) Release: Barabbas, or Jesus? In a way, Jesus substitutes for Barabbas—for you and me! Dream—reminds us of the disturbed sleep of Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, or… Read More

Prism 23: Worthless Shepherds, Legions of Angels (Matt 26:30-68)

Posted: January 23, 2023

. Betrayal Theme in Psalter David Joseph Christ Last Supper & Arrest Covenant – prophesied in the O.T. (Jer 31:31-34; Isa 42:6; 49:8; 54:10; 55:3; 59:21; etc). Kingdom – exaltation… Read More

Prism 22: Judgment & Betrayal (Matt 25:11-26:16)

Posted: January 22, 2023

. Parable of the Foolish Virgins (Matt 25:11-13) “Lord, Lord”—see Matt 7:21. Authority to grant entry into the kingdom Parable of the Sheep & Goats (25:31-45) “Son of man” (Divine)… Read More

Prism 21: The Coming of the Lord (Matt 21:33-24:44)

Posted: January 21, 2023

. Judgment (Matt 23:33-39) Presumes sending of prophets after his return to heaven. Notice his divine authority. (Who else would “send prophets”?) V.39 (like 21:10) connects to Psalm 118:26. The… Read More

Prism 20: The Most Quoted OT Passage (Matt 22:1-7-45)

Posted: January 20, 2023

. The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matt 22:1-7) Wedding motif Messianic banquet (Isa 25; Ezek 39) Son Burning of Jerusalem (70 AD) Son of David Matt 22:41-45 Ps 1101… Read More

Prism 19: Cornerstone (Matt 21:33-34)

Posted: January 19, 2023

. Let’s now finish our study of Matthew 21. We have devoted significant time to several key Messianic prophets. Today this brings us to the Psalms—especially Ps 118—and Isaiah 28…. Read More

Prism 17: Colt, Clouds, Clamor, Cleansing (Matt 22:2-13)

Posted: January 17, 2023

. The Triumphal Entry (Matt 21:2-5) Zech 9:9—prophecy of Messiah mounted on a donkey. The donkey as a royal animal, though also making for a humble entrance. In the Talmud (Sanhedrin 98a)… Read More

Prism 16: Ransom (Matt 20:25-21:1)

Posted: January 16, 2023

. We have reached the midpoint of the Prism series (15 units behind us, 15 units in front of us, after this reflection. Ransom (Matt 20:25-28) Ransom is one of… Read More

Prism 15: Sheep & Thrones (18:12-19:28)

Posted: January 15, 2023

  The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matt 18:12-14) YHWH as Father, but also Shepherd Messiah as Shepherd Ideal Davidic king as shepherd Binding & Loosing (Matt 18:18-20) Jesus’ unique… Read More

Prism 14: ID, Transfiguration, Tax (Matt 16:13-17:27)

Posted: January 14, 2023

. ID (Matt 16:13-19) Why these persons? Jesus (through his ministry, lifestyle, words…) reminds people of Jeremiah, Elijah, et al. Keys – Isaiah 22 (Eliakim, Shebna) but also YHWH –… Read More

Prism 13: Bread & Fish (Matt 14:20-16:4)

Posted: January 13, 2023

. Jesus feeds 5000 (Matt 14:20-21) Elisha fed 100 (2 Kings 4:42-44) 20:100 ÷ 5:5000 (1:5 vs. 1:1000) ~ 0.2%! Jesus is a prophet, but much greater than a prophet… Read More

Prism 12: Servant, Satan, Sign, Solomon, etc (Matt 12:15-13:51)

Posted: January 12, 2023

. Jesus’ ministry (Matt 12:15-21) Jesus did not want too much publicity: too much notoriety, too soon, and his arrest and execution would have come before he had completed other… Read More

Prism 11: Isaiah & the Dead Sea Scrolls (Matt 11:1-12:7)

Posted: January 11, 2023

. Jesus & John (Matt 11:1-6) Sensitivity to John “In that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see. Once… Read More

Prism 10: Malachi, David, Micah (Matt 9:20-10:40)

Posted: January 10, 2023

  Big ideas so far: God’s kingdom includes Jews and Gentiles, men and women, the good, the bad & the ugly. Jesus fulfills the Scriptures by fulfilling Israel’s purpose, by… Read More

Prism 09: Wind & Waves, Mercy & Sacrifice (Matt 8:23-9:15)

Posted: January 9, 2023

  Calming the Sea (Matt 8:23-27) The is the action of Yahweh in the OT Psalm 65:7 Implication of divinity Forgiving sins (Matt 9:1-4) Only God can forgive sins. Implication… Read More

Prism 08: Our Sins & Sicknesses (Matt 8:1-17)

Posted: January 8, 2023

. Jesus heals the leper (Matt 8:1-4) This connects with the bird baptism passage of Lev 14! Several connections with Christ: the water, the wood, the blood (yarn), cleansing (hyssop),… Read More

Prism 07: The Epitome (Matt 5:1-8:1)

Posted: January 7, 2023

  The Sermon on the Mount: Matt 5:1/8:1 These chapters are the epitome of Jesus’ teaching. A scenario like Exodus 20 (Sinai)—Jesus and Moses Up and down a mountain 10… Read More

Prism 06: Temptations Three (Matt 4:1-16)

Posted: January 6, 2023

The assault: Satan attacks by trying to get Jesus to doubt his identity as Son of God. Jesus’ three temptations correspond to three temptations to which Israel gave in: to… Read More

Prism 05: The Water & the Challenge (Matt 3:1-17)

Posted: January 5, 2023

Review—Some big ideas in Matthew 1-2: The man Jesus is the Christ, son of David and son of Abraham. Yet his lineage (as Matthew relates it) honors a number of… Read More

Prism 04: Israel, or Christ? Herod, or Jesus? (Matt 2:13-23)

Posted: January 4, 2023

Hosea 11:1—When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. 2 The more they were called, the more they went away; they kept sacrificing to the Baals and burning offerings to… Read More

Prism 03: The Outsiders Get It, the Insiders Don’t (Matt 2:1-12)

Posted: January 3, 2023

Pagan stargazers! Persia? Babylon? In Ezra 7:8-9, Ezra came from Babylon (modern Iraq) to Jerusalem, taking four months to arrive! The irony of this passage is that outsiders—foreigners (the Magi)—recognize… Read More

Prism 02: Dust, Grime & the Virgin Birth (Matt 1:18-25)

Posted: January 2, 2023

Joseph was a great husband, protecting and trusting his wife, who technically could have been executed for promiscuity while still living in her father’s household (Deut 22:21). No evidence that… Read More

Prism 01: The Crucial Placement of Women in Christ’s Genealogy (Matt 1:1-17)

Posted: January 1, 2023

OT genealogies take their name from the progenitor, the first name in the list. But here the genealogy is designated according to the last member in the list! Note also… Read More

Prism: Christ in the OT (Matthew)

Posted: January 1, 2023

The 2023 devotional series explores how Matthew’s gospel sheds light on Christ in the Old Testament. These daily messages are intended to bring inspiration and insight as we appreciate the… Read More

Joseph the Just

Posted: December 26, 2022

Stepping into the Jordan Joseph the Just Rob Kranz Dec 24 In keeping with the Christmas season, our church held a Christmas pageant put on by the kids. It was… Read More

Luke 2:14—”Peace, Good Will Towards Men”?

Posted: December 20, 2022

To hear the Christmas reflection (16 mins) on Luke 2:14, click the arrow.   Luke 2:1-7 (4-7) And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to… Read More

Review of Origins in Science & Christian Belief

Posted: May 23, 2022

A Review of Paul Copan & Douglas Jacoby, Origins (Morgan James, 2019) has been published in Science & Christian Belief (the journal of Christians in Science, the UK sibling of the… Read More

40—Forty Days with James: Series conclusion (and my takeaways)

Posted: February 9, 2022

For the series conclusion (10 mins), please click the play arrow. 108 power-packed verses! Chapter 1 introduces the 12 themes of chapters 2-5. James is practical. James covers a whole… Read More

39—Forty Days with James: James the Martyr

Posted: February 8, 2022

To hear our penultimate reflection on the life and words of James (9 mins), “James the Martyr,” please click the play arrow. James was martyred in AD 62. Prophet, Peacemaker,… Read More

38—Forty Days with James: James the Peacemaker

Posted: February 7, 2022

To hear “James the Peacemaker” (13 mins), based on Acts 15, just click the play arrow. . Acts 15 Last time: James was a prophet (fiery hot). But he was… Read More

37—Forty Days with James: James the Prophet

Posted: February 6, 2022

To hear “James the Prophet” (12 mins), just click on the play arrow. James is a “pillar of the church” (Gal 2:9), brother of the Lord, and highly respected leader…. Read More

36—Forty Days with James: Through the Book (ISV)

Posted: February 5, 2022

To listen to James in the International Standard Version (ISV, translated in 2011), please click the play arrow. The reading is 14 mins in duration. . The final four reflections: James… Read More

35—Forty Days with James: The Truth about Falling Away

Posted: February 4, 2022

To listen to “The Truth about Falling Away” (14 mins), just click on the play arrow. . James 5:19-20 Why does the letter end this way? It is likely people… Read More

34—Forty Days with James: Prayer x 7

Posted: February 3, 2022

Click the play arrow to hear “Prayer x7” (12 mins), the 34th reflection in our series on James. . James 5:13-18 Prayer 7x in this passage “You must pray with… Read More

33—Forty Days with James: “Yes” and “No”

Posted: February 2, 2022

To hear the talk on James 5:12, “Yes and No” (10 mins), click the play arrow. . James 5:12 Not referring to profanity Similar to 3rd commandment – context of… Read More

32—Forty Days with James: Hang in There

Posted: February 1, 2022

Click the play arrow to listen to “Hang in There” (8 mins), the next reflection in the James series. . James 5:10-11 Why patient endurance is needed Socioeconomic disparities Oppression… Read More

31—Forty Days with James: The Judge at the Door

Posted: January 31, 2022

To listen to “The Judge at the Door” (13 mins), click the play arrow. . James 5:7-9 More about the Zealots In the Jewish War, they took revenge on the… Read More

30—Forty Days with James: Rich Fools

Posted: January 30, 2022

To listen to the talk, “Rich Fools” (12 mins), click on the play arrow. . James 5:1-6 Last time: In “Wannabe Rich Fools,” James speaks of entrepreneurs who fail to… Read More

29—Forty Days with James: Through the Book (CSB)

Posted: January 29, 2022

We’re 4/5 of the way through the epistle of James. Today, please listen to the entire book (12 mins) in the Christian Standard Bible (formerly called the Holman Christian Standard… Read More

28—Forty Days with James: (Wannabe) Rich Fools

Posted: January 28, 2022

To hear “(Wannabe) Rich Fools” (9 mins), click on the arrow below. . James 4:13-17 The brevity of life: we are mists. If it is the Lord’s will – adding… Read More

27—Forty Days with James: Only One Judge

Posted: January 27, 2022

Reflection 27, “Only One Judge” (15 mins), is based on James 4:11-12. .”Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord” (our previous reflection)—great passage, and great song. True prayer is… Read More

26—Forty Days with James: Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord

Posted: January 26, 2022

Click on the play arrow to hear “Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord” (8 mins), the 26th reflection in the James series. . James 4:9-10   We can’t be merely… Read More

25—Forty Days with James: Submit, Resist, Draw Near, Wash, and Be Purified

Posted: January 25, 2022

The next reflection, “Submit, Resist, Draw Near, Wash, and Be Purified” (13 mins), explores James 4:7-8, with some additional material from a previous message, “Jesus & Politics.” . James 4:7-8… Read More

24—Forty Days with James: The Worldly Church

Posted: January 24, 2022

To listen to “The Worldly Church” (15 mins), the 24th reflection in our series, click, on the play arrow. . James 4:4-6 The adultery referred to in James 4:4 refers… Read More

23—Forty Days with James: Waging War

Posted: January 23, 2022

To listen to “Waging War,” our 23rd reflection on James, click on the play arrow. The talk runs 12 mins. . James 4:1-3 Context: link with chapter 3 – peaceful… Read More

22—Forty Days with James: Through the Book (NASB)

Posted: January 22, 2022

Click the arrow to hear the book of James read in the NASB (15 mins) . To appreciate James and the logical flow of the letter, it is vital to… Read More

21—Forty Days with James: Genuine Wisdom

Posted: January 21, 2022

Click to listen to today’s reflection (14 mins). It’s called “Genuine Wisdom.” . James 3:17-19 In 1st-century Palestine, James was a force for unity and peace. “James is burdened with… Read More

20—Forty Days with James: Pseudo-Wisdom

Posted: January 20, 2022

Our 20th reflection on James is “Pseudo-Wisdom.” Click the play arrow to listen to the talk (11 mins). . James 3:13-16 Intro In our next 2 reflections, James considers two… Read More

19—Forty Days with James: Cursing & Praise

Posted: January 19, 2022

Reflection 19, on James 3:9-12, is titled “Cursing & Praise” (14 mins). . James 3:9-12 So many images in this chapter: (tongue), bit, rudder, spark, taming (animals), poison, spring, fig… Read More

18—Forty Days with James: The Untamable

Posted: January 18, 2022

To hear reflection 18, on James 3:7-8, “The Untamable” (12 mins), click on the play arrow.   Reminders: All of chapter 3 addresses the tongue, and has special relevance for and… Read More

17—Forty Days with James: The Rudder

Posted: January 17, 2022

To hear “The Rudder,” on James 3:3-5 (10 mins), just click on the play arrow.   .Review: “The Tongue of the Teacher: (no. 16) James 3:1 applies to all Christian… Read More

16—Forty Days with James: The Tongue of the Teacher

Posted: January 16, 2022

Click on the play arrow to hear “The Tongue of the Teacher” (15 mins) on James 3:1-2. . James 3:1-2 What is the context of James’s warning? James is the… Read More

15—Forty Days with James: Through the Book (The Message)

Posted: January 15, 2022

To listen to the reading of James 1-5 in the popular paraphrase The Message (15 mins), click on the play arrow. Next: We begin James 3—with important insights on spiritual leadership.

14—Forty Days with James: The Epistle of Straw

Posted: January 14, 2022

To listen to today’s talk (12 mins), Faith without Deeds (3): “The Epistle of Straw” . Luther’s translation of the N.T. (1522) Separated 4 books from the other books of… Read More

13—Forty Days with James: The Magic Wand & the Touch

Posted: January 13, 2022

To hear Faith Without Deeds (part 2), “The Magic Wand & the Touch” (14 mins), simply click on the play arrow below. . Further comments on Jas 2:14-26: Re: deeds… Read More

12— Forty Days with James: Cold Deeds with Warm Words

Posted: January 12, 2022

To listen to today’s talk (12 mins), click on the play arrow. It’s Faith without Deeds (part 1): “Cold Deeds with Warm Words.”   Notes on James 2:14-26: The word… Read More

11—Forty Days with James: The Royal Law

Posted: January 11, 2022

To listen to reflection 11, “The Royal Law,” on James 2:8-13 (13 mins), just click on the play arrow below. Why is this a “royal” law? It’s the Law of… Read More

10—Forty Days with James: Oppressors & Oppressed

Posted: January 10, 2022

Click on the arrow to hear “Oppressors & Oppressed” (13 mins), for Day 10 of our series. Intro Was Jesus a “carpenter” (Mark 6:3, Matt 13:55)? Tekton = builder. “Carpenter,” esp…. Read More

09—Forty Days with James: The Chair & the Floor

Posted: January 9, 2022

Click on the arrow to hear the 9th reflection in our series, “The Chair & the Floor” (11 mins). Intro Might we have a wrong view of religion – could… Read More

08—Forty Days with James: Through the Book (RPM)

Posted: January 8, 2022

To hear the recording (16 mins), please click on the arrow. Interesting facts about James James appears immediately after Acts in many early NTs. Some scholars think James was the… Read More

07—Forty Days with James: Pure Religion

Posted: January 7, 2022

To hear “Pure Religion” (12 mins), click on the play arrow.   There are five important themes in the latter part of James 1 (vs.19-27), the first three of which… Read More

06—Forty Days with James: Listening and Looking

Posted: January 6, 2022

To hear the message of Day 6 in the James series, “Listening & Looking” (15 mins), click the play arrow below.   The next two sections in James (today’s offering plus… Read More

05—Forty Days with James: God’s Perfect Gifts

Posted: January 5, 2022

Reflection 5, “God’s Perfect Gifts,” unpacks James 1:16-18. To listen to the talk (13 mins), click on the play arrow below.   Don’t be deceived. Don’t crack and crumble under the… Read More

04—Forty Days with James: Victors, not Victims

Posted: January 4, 2022

For today’s reflection, “Victors, not Victims,” on James 1:13-16a (14 mins), click play below.   The trials of chapter 1 probably refer to persecution. Don’t give up! When we give up,… Read More

03—Forty Days with James: Pride vs. Humility

Posted: January 3, 2022

Listen to the reflection on James 1:9-12, “Pride vs. Humility” (14 mins):   The man James In the NT, James is by far the most significant (half-)brother of Jesus (Matthew 13:55,… Read More

02—Forty Days with James: Pure Joy vs. Double Mind

Posted: January 2, 2022

Listen to the reflection on James 1:1-8, Pure Joy vs. Double Mind (11 mins): 1:1—the 12 Tribes = Christians (see Gal 6:16), probably from a Jewish background. If James is like Ephesians (a… Read More

01—Forty Days with James: through the book (NIV)

Posted: January 1, 2022

The audio recording is a reading of the entire book of James, in the NIV. (14 mins) .  Resonance: Sermon on Mount (man phrases, and at least 6 points of… Read More

00–Forty Days with James: Reflections on a Powerful Epistle  

Posted: December 31, 2021

Begin the New Year grounded in the Word and inspired by the message. Forty Days with James (the brother of Jesus) will take us through this powerful letter by the… Read More

Great Apologetics & Philosophy website

Posted: December 12, 2021

Paul Copan Paul Copan is a Christian theologian, analytic philosopher, apologist, and author. He is currently a professor at the Palm Beach Atlantic University and holds the endowed Pledger Family… Read More

Exploring Difficult Topics While Keeping Your Head

Posted: July 7, 2021

(It seems fair to say we Christians don’t do very well when it comes to hashing out difficult topics—at least without descending into quarreling or acrimony. This is largely (I… Read More

IP New Books Release

Posted: April 19, 2021

Click 2021 New Releases for the most recent releases from Illumination Publishers.

Isaiah & the 8th cent. BC Pandemic of Injustice

Posted: January 31, 2021

The Torah intimately connects justice and righteousness: If we don’t treat our fellow humans justly, our religion is a sham. In Isaiah’s time, God’s people are spiritually unhealthy—at an all-time… Read More

Now Offering: AIM Europe

Posted: December 18, 2020

Discover all the courses being offered on the new AIM Europe page: https://aimeurope.athensinstitute.org

iFaith Bible Project (2018-2022, 2022-2023)

Posted: November 19, 2020

iFaith Bible Project The iFaith project takes us through the entire Bible. From each book of the Bible are produced 1 or 2 video sermons. All talks are 15 minutes… Read More

Excellent Biblical Studies Page, from Arturo Elizararrás (Spanish)

Posted: September 30, 2020

Enjoy the great resources found in this link, including a sampling of the articles below: https://www.fpesdras.org/acerca-de-fpe/pagina-de-arturo-elizarraras/

100 Daily Devotionals on Psalms – Rolan Monje

Posted: September 16, 2020

Play. Pause. Pray. Rolan invites us to play, pause, and pray for 100 days (September 16-December 24), as we look into our deepest feelings throughout this COVID-19 pandemic. Play a… Read More

Patriarchy: God’s Plan?

Posted: August 18, 2020

Patriarchy: God’s Plan? by Rob Kranz In a recent post, I explored the events of Genesis 2 and 3. As I explained in that post, a careful examination of the text’s language… Read More

Does God Promise to Heal Our Land? by Greg Koukl

Posted: October 17, 2019

Greg explains how 2 Chronicles 7:14 is used incorrectly by Christians thinking it’s speaking to them. Click here to play. Transcript: I want to speak for a moment about the danger of… Read More

The Top 100 Verses on Money and Wealth

Posted: October 16, 2019

Bookmark the list for Bible study, reference, and sharing with others. Top 100 Bible Verses on Money and Wealth Also see the Topical Index of Money and Wealth Scriptures The latest… Read More

The Tyndale House Greek New Testament online 

Posted: October 16, 2019

We are delighted to announce, in partnership with Crossway publishers, that the Tyndale House Greek New Testament (THGNT), edited by Tyndale House Academic Vice Principal Dr Dirk Jongkind and Principal Dr Peter J Williams, is… Read More

Online Bible Test—Am I a Student of the Word?

Posted: September 20, 2019

How well do we know God’s Word? Here’s a tool to evaluate our level of Bible knowledge. The diagnostic test at 3 levels has been constructed with the help of many around… Read More

Feedback on the Online Bible Test

Posted: August 11, 2019

Two persons (perhaps more) were not so fond of the Online Bible Test, commenting that it isn’t as important to know chapter and verse, or the arrangement of biblical books, as… Read More

Biblical Town of Ziklag May Have Been Discovered

Posted: July 24, 2019

Located between Kiryat Gat and Lachish in southern Israel, Khirbet a-Ra‘i has been the site of excavations since 2015. The researchers recently announced their belief that they have uncovered the… Read More

The Life of Jesus (Pt. I and Pt. II)

Posted: September 14, 2018

Cape Town, South Africa, 9 Sept 2018 In this session (consisting of two parts) Douglas Jacoby paints an outstanding picture as to the life and context of Jesus as a… Read More

iFaith video sermon list

Posted: August 7, 2018

MASTER DOCUMENT: iFaith Bible Project 0622 In this series we will proceed more or less chronologically through the New Testament and the Old Testament. There are 119 video messages, being recorded… Read More

The New Testament – Historically Speaking, by Brian Felushko

Posted: July 17, 2018

Understanding the New Testament Historically Do you ever struggle with any of the content in the New Testament (NT) books? Do you ever wonder how their messages, now 2000 years… Read More

Review of Paul: Apostle of Christ

Posted: June 27, 2018

A friend recently suggested I watch the film Paul: Apostle of Christ. I am glad I did. Here is my take, for what it’s worth. General Acting: superb. Not sappy, as with some… Read More

A Brief Review of STEP: Scripture Tools for Every Person, by Joey Harris

Posted: April 18, 2018

The STEP Bible (STEP stands for “Scripture Tools for Every Person”) is a free digital Bible software project run by the Bible and religious book publisher, Tyndale House. The underlying software powering… Read More

Series on John (daily study)

Posted: February 23, 2018

The 2018 series is A Tour Through John. Length: 50 days. Units average about 20 minutes, just right if you have to go to work early, or want to listen as you… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 50

Posted: February 19, 2018

If you prefer not to listen to the audio, but prefer only to read the questions below, that is fine — but the answers are in the podcast file. Click on… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 49

Posted: February 18, 2018

Lesson 49 is the third podcast in a series of 3 introducing the Revelation of John. Click on the arrow to play the podcast (9 minutes), or right click here, save and… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 48

Posted: February 17, 2018

Rev B is the middle podcast in a series of 3 introducing the Revelation of John. Click on the arrow to play the podcast (17 minutes), or right click here,… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 47

Posted: February 16, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (13 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. (1) General 1 Paul 87 chapters ~ 1/4 of NT 2 Luke 52… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 46 (verses)

Posted: February 15, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (8 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. Scripture for memory  1 John 1:7 — But if we walk in the… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 45

Posted: February 14, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (23 minutes), or right click here, in order to download, save, and listen later. 1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 44

Posted: February 13, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (15 minutes), or right click here, in order to download, save, and listen later. 2 John has been called “1 John in miniature.” As… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 43

Posted: February 12, 2018

Two of the most encouraging verses in the Bible are found in 1 John 5. Verse 3 says God’s commands aren’t burdensome. Walking in the light—and basking in it—isn’t only… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 42

Posted: February 11, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (20 minutes), or right click here, in order to download, save, and listen later. 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 41

Posted: February 10, 2018

From the mention of rebirth (“born of him” in 2:29), John moves into praise for God and his love for us as his children. He reminds us that the reason… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 40

Posted: February 9, 2018

In the first part of chapter two John warns his readers to follow Jesus, not the world. He is responding to a serious problem. Christians are defecting, leaving the faith. In the second… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 39

Posted: February 8, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (18 minutes), or right click here, in order to download, save, and listen later. 2:1 My little children, I am writing these… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 38

Posted: February 7, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (15 minutes), or right click here, in order to download, save, and listen later. 1 We declare to you what was from the… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 37

Posted: February 6, 2018

In the late first century, there were false concepts of Jesus circulating in the Christian world. Just as today there are numerous false Jesuses (perhaps best known is the one… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 36 (scriptures)

Posted: February 5, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (11 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. 12:24 — Jesus to Andrew, Philip, and the Greeks: “Very truly, I tell… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 35

Posted: February 4, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (20 minutes), or right click here, to save and listen later. After breakfast, it’s time to talk (v.15ff).  Notice the setting: the charcoal fire…. Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 34

Posted: February 3, 2018

As noted in the last message, it is possible that the Gospel of John concluded with chapter 20, and that chapter 21 is an addition, either by the original author or by someone… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 33

Posted: February 2, 2018

John 19 concludes with the burial of Jesus. Now, in John 20, it is Sunday morning, the third day since the crucifixion—and the tomb is empty! Click on the arrow… Read More

Supplementary test for A Tour Through John

Posted: February 1, 2018

For those who found the 25-question quiz in A Tour Through John, Lesson 50, to be too easy, here’s a tougher one: Who was described by the elder as philoprōteuōn?… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 32

Posted: February 1, 2018

We continue our study of the crucifixion, from the middle of John 19. Click on the arrow to play the podcast (24 minutes), or right click here, to save and listen… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 31

Posted: January 31, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (21 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. 19:1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 And the soldiers wove a… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 30

Posted: January 30, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (19 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. 18:1 After Jesus had spoken these words, he went out with his disciples… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 29

Posted: January 29, 2018

The entire chapter is a prayer. This falls into three parts: Prayer for himself (vv.1-5). Prayer for his disciples (vv.6-19). Prayer for the world — future believers (vv.20-26). The order is crucial: Jesus’ training… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 28

Posted: January 28, 2018

Jesus has been preparing his apostles for the persecution to come (15:18 into chapter 16). Persecuting Christians will come to be seen as service to God (v.2). John’s gospel was… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 27

Posted: January 27, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (18 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. Chapter 15 tells us about our relationship to Jesus (vv.1-17), using three different… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 26

Posted: January 26, 2018

Having heard Jesus’ prediction of his betrayal, and death, the apostles are understandably anxious. That is why in 14:1 Jesus tries to calm them. We too may have our own reasons for… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 25

Posted: January 25, 2018

Jesus speaks to the apostles in chapters 13-16, on the eve of his death. For an excellent study on John 13:31-17:26, read The Last Discourse, by James Greig. Even though he knows… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 24

Posted: January 24, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (19 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. 27 Now is my soul troubled, and what shall I say? Father, deliver me… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 23

Posted: January 23, 2018

After the podcast on scripture memory, we now return to the gospel of John, chapter 12. Click on the arrow to play the podcast (12 minutes), or right click here… Read More

Mysterious Dead Sea Scroll deciphered in Israel

Posted: January 22, 2018

One of the last remaining obscure parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls has been deciphered by researchers in Israel. Read all about it here.

A Tour Through John, Lesson 22 (scriptures)

Posted: January 22, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (11 minutes), or right click here, save and listen later. Scripture for memory (Prov 22:17-18 — see also 3:3; 7:3, on internalizing God’s word)… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 21

Posted: January 21, 2018

Today we come to the final chapter in John’s “Book of Signs.” And in chapter 10 we saw the 3rd and 4th of seven “I am” sayings (gate and Shepherd)…. Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 20

Posted: January 20, 2018

In the previous chapter Jesus proved that he was truly the light of the world. Here we find the third and fourth I am statements: “I am the door” (vv.7,9)… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 19

Posted: January 19, 2018

This entire chapter illustrates how Jesus is the light of the world (8:12; 9:5). Without him all are blind. Click on the arrow to play the podcast (21 minutes), or right… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 18

Posted: January 18, 2018

Last time (lesson 17) we stopped at John 8:11. The rest of chapter 8 reveals an escalation in tensions between Jesus and the Jewish leadership. The acrimony culminates in an… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 17

Posted: January 17, 2018

The beginning section of today’s podcast (on John 7:53-8:11) some may find a bit academic, or even unsettling. Please bear with me; certain explanations need to be made. Soon we… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 16

Posted: January 16, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (19 minutes), or right click here to download and listen later. 32 The Pharisees heard the crowd muttering such things about him, and the… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 15

Posted: January 15, 2018

Following Christ requires focus, commitment, discipline. And there are so many distractions. We need to put considerable effort into arranging our lives so that we can live as his disciples. After… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 14

Posted: January 14, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (20 minutes), or right click here to download and listen later. 6:37 Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 13

Posted: January 13, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (22 minutes), or right click here to download and listen later. 6:1 After this Jesus went to the other side of the… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 12

Posted: January 12, 2018

Today we finish our study of John 5. Click on the arrow to play the podcast (20 minutes), or right click here to download and listen later. 19 Jesus said to them, “Very… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 11

Posted: January 11, 2018

Today we finish John 4 and begin John 5. Click on the arrow to play the podcast (25 minutes), or right click here to download and listen later. 43 When the two… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 10

Posted: January 10, 2018

We continue to read the story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman — a story that could easily be titled “The Stranger.” Click on the arrow to play the podcast… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 9

Posted: January 9, 2018

The story of the Samaritan woman is well known. She is a stranger to Jesus, as he is to her. But his interaction speaks volumes about what it means to… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 8

Posted: January 8, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (18 minutes), or right click here to save and listen later. 16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 7

Posted: January 7, 2018

We come to the ever-popular John 3!  While most who profess Christ know only verse 16, the entire chapter is chock-full of incredible passages. For example, verse 16 requires faith… Read More

A Tour through John, Lesson 6

Posted: January 6, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (20 minutes), or right click here to save and listen later. Recap of lesson 5 (Water to Wine) Time out for a wedding:… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 5

Posted: January 5, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (24 minutes), or right click here to listen later. Introduction Jesus’ core group of disciples, his apostles, has grown. In chapter 2 he… Read More

A Tour through John, lesson 4

Posted: January 4, 2018

Click on the arrow to play the podcast (20 minutes), or right click here to listen later. Last time we looked at the first two days; today we will read about… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 3

Posted: January 3, 2018

Having set the stage with his prologue (vv.1-18), John the evangelist now begins the story proper. In this lesson (22 minutes), we cover John 1:19-34, which details the first two… Read More

A Tour Through John, Lesson 2

Posted: January 2, 2018

In this lesson (20 minutes), we will finish our study of the prologue (1:1-18), which sets the stage for the entire gospel. Click on the arrow to play the podcast,… Read More

A Tour through John, Lesson 1

Posted: January 1, 2018

In this opening lesson (15 minutes), we will consider the nature of John’s gospel, and then probe the important prologue (1:1-18), which sets the stage for the entire gospel. Click… Read More

An online trove of Biblical manuscripts

Posted: September 26, 2017

An extraordinary collection of 68 New Testament and other Biblical manuscripts dating from the fourth to the twentieth centuries has been digitized and made available for study online. Continue reading… Read More

The Gospel of Luke

Posted: August 1, 2017

A new translation of the gospel of Luke is recently published at Scripture online.

Gospel of Mark: A Translation

Posted: June 6, 2017

A translation of the gospel of Mark has been recently published at Scripture online.


Posted: April 9, 2017

Sermon given on April 9, 2017 at the North River Church of Christ by Douglas. Click HERE for the notes accompanying the sermon.

What is Sinful Judgment? Matthew 7:1 Revisited, by Mads Fredskilde

Posted: March 8, 2017

Mads Fredkilde is a brilliant Danish brother who for some years has been living in Quito, Ecuador. We first met in London. Or was it Stockholm or Copenhagen? Mads’s paper… Read More

A 12th “Dead Sea scrolls cave” found. Or was it?

Posted: February 13, 2017

On Feb 8, 2017, Israeli and U.S. archaeologists announced they’d found compelling evidence for a 12th Dead Sea Scroll cave. This is the first such discovery in 60 years. Click here to… Read More

Jeremiah, Jesus, & Us: Lies We Tell Ourselves

Posted: December 22, 2016

You can find all 9 lessons in the series at newsletters. (They begin in October 2016.) “I find the lessons refreshing and spiritually ‘spicy,’ with plenty of material for both conviction and encouragement,… Read More

Risen (Joseph Fiennes)

Posted: August 23, 2016

For a podcast (42 mins) on the 2016 film Risen, click on the arrow below. Great lines: “The gods are angry” [Lucius]. — “One of them is [Clavius].” “Did he… Read More

An Introduction to the Gospels

Posted: March 7, 2016

by Daniel C. Berk Click here for the article.

Q&A 1422 – How can we prove Jesus is the Messiah from the O.T.?

Posted: August 25, 2015

I am from a Jewish background. Would you please explain how Jesus Christ can be the Messiah, using the Hebrew Bible? Thanks. A fair question — and especially when you’ve… Read More

Galatia, We Have a Problem

Posted: May 14, 2015

This short paper analyzes Paul’s passionate letter to the Galatians. Written by and used with permission of Graydon Stephenson. CLICK for the article.  

Understanding the Apocalypse 7: A Tale of Two Cities

Posted: May 9, 2015

To listen now, click on arrow. To download and listen later, right click on “Download Podcast” and ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Download Podcast Schedule of Classes 8… Read More

Understanding The Apocalypse – Class 6: The Deceit of Politics & Wealth vs The Power of Heaven

Posted: April 21, 2015

To listen now, click on arrow. To save and listen later, right click on ‘Download Podcast’ and ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Audio Player Download Podcast One podcast… Read More

Understanding The Apocalypse – Class 5: Armageddon: The Vengeance of the Lord

Posted: April 16, 2015

To listen now, click on arrow. To save and listen later, right click on ‘Download Podcast’ and ‘save target as’ or ‘save link as’. Download Podcast One podcast will be… Read More

Thyatira: The Pressure to “Tolerate”

Posted: April 7, 2015

Click in the arrow to listen to the message (21 minutes). All the notes are below. Click here to download. Thyatira: Introduction 4th and middle letter to the 7 churches in… Read More

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 4: The Dragon and the Beast

Posted: April 3, 2015

The fourth of 7 classes on the Book of Revelation, taught live at the North River Church of Christ at 9 am on the dates below. To listen now, click… Read More

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 3: Portents of Doom, Promise of Salvation

Posted: March 25, 2015

This is the 3rd class in a series on Revelation, done live at the North River Church of Christ in 2015. The classes and dates are below. The teacher, John… Read More

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 2: The Shortfall of Earthly Worship, the Bliss of Heavenly Worship

Posted: March 25, 2015

The second of 7 classes on the Book of Revelation, taught live at the North River Church of Christ at 9 am on the dates below. Click arrow to play,… Read More

Understanding the Apocalypse – Class 1: “Rome, Apocalypse, & The Temple of God”

Posted: March 10, 2015

The first of 7 classes on the Book of Revelation, taught live at the North River Church of Christ at 9 am on the dates below. To listen now, click… Read More

Romans Z (16:1-27)

Posted: January 26, 2015

We have studied Romans from A to Z. Listen to the final podcast (19 minutes) here. In Romans Z, Paul sends greetings, makes a few final comments, and rounds off… Read More

Romans Y (15:15-33)

Posted: January 25, 2015

Click on the link to hear the penultimate podcast in our series Romans A-Z.  This lesson (16 minutes) reveals Paul’s philosophy of ministry, and something of his grand vision for… Read More

Romans X (14:1-15:14)

Posted: January 24, 2015

Romans X is the 24th podcast (19 minutes) in our series Romans A-Z. Ever in mind is unity between Jewish-background and Gentile-background Christians, although the principles of the chapter have… Read More

Romans W (13:1-14)

Posted: January 23, 2015

Romans W (21 minutes) explores chapter 13. Click here to download. Passages referred to or alluded to: Daniel 3; 6; Matthew 7:12; Leviticus 19:18; Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5; 1 Peter… Read More

Romans V (12:9-21)

Posted: January 22, 2015

Romans V takes us through the balance of chapter 12. The podcast (15 minutes) contains some surprises — for most Bible believers, at any rate. Click here to download. Verses… Read More

Romans U (12:1-8)

Posted: January 21, 2015

Romans U (16 minutes) is the 21st lesson in our series Romans A-Z. As is his custom, Paul lays highly practical teaching (chapters 12-16) on a solid theological foundation (chapters 1-9)…. Read More

Romans T (11:33-36)

Posted: January 20, 2015

This is the last podcast based on Romans 9-11. This special passage taken up in Romans T (11 minutes) concludes the section, setting things in perspective. Scriptures referred to: Psalm… Read More

Romans S (11:1-32)

Posted: January 19, 2015

This is Romans S, the 19th study in the series Romans A-Z. In this podcast (25 minutes) we will almost finish our study of Romans 11. (Romans T will cover Paul’s… Read More

Romans Q (9:1-32)

Posted: January 17, 2015

Romans Q (19 minutes) covers all of chapter 9. Verses referred to (mainly outside Romans) include Exodus 32:32; Psalm 49:6-8; Genesis 25; Genesis 27; Exodus 7; Colossians 1:21; Isaiah 29; Isaiah… Read More

Romans P (8:18-39)

Posted: January 16, 2015

Listen to the 16th podcast (23 minutes) in our series on Romans. Verses referred to are 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; 2 Timothy 4:18; Hebrews 7:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:14; Jude 21; and… Read More

Romans O (8:12-17)

Posted: January 15, 2015

The 15th lesson in our series (16 minutes) is Romans O, covering the middle section of chapter 8. Verses referred to include Galatians 5:18; Psalms 40:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Acts… Read More

Romans N (8:1-11)

Posted: January 14, 2015

Lesson N (12 minutes) begins the second half of the series Romans A-Z. Listen carefully for the many connections to the concepts Paul has developed earlier in the letter. The… Read More

Romans M (7:1-25)

Posted: January 13, 2015

This is the 13th podcast in Romans A-Z.  The lesson (24 minutes) goes through the entirety of Romans 7. Click here to download. Other biblical passages referred to in this lesson… Read More

Romans L (6:8-23)

Posted: January 12, 2015

The 12th podcast in Romans A-Z covers the remainder of chapter 6. I hope the talk (19 minutes) helps you think about God, and draw closer to him, all day…. Read More

Romans K (6:1-8)

Posted: January 11, 2015

Listen to the 11th podcast in Romans A-Z.  This podcast (13 minutes) covers the first 8 verses of the chapter. Click here to download. In chapters 1-3 Paul reasons that all… Read More

Romans J (5:12-21)

Posted: January 10, 2015

Listen to Romans J, the tenth podcast (15 minutes) in the series Romans A-Z. Sin came into the world through Adam (v.12), and salvation also comes to the world through… Read More

Romans I (5:1-11)

Posted: January 9, 2015

Here is the ninth podcast (14 minutes) in our series of 26 in Romans A-Z. Passages referred to include Acts 23:6; Ephesians 4:4; Titus 3:5; and Galatians 4:6. The sequence… Read More

Romans H (4:1-25)

Posted: January 8, 2015

In the eighth part of our series (18 minutes) we tackle all of Romans chapter 4. Click here to download. While I referred to a number of biblical passages, here… Read More

Romans G (3:10-31)

Posted: January 7, 2015

This is the seventh lesson (20 minutes) in our series, Romans A-Z.  There is some overlap with the previous podcast, is it ended with 3:10-18. Here we return to 3:10-18… Read More

Romans F (3:1-18)

Posted: January 6, 2015

This is the sixth lesson (14 minutes) in our Romans series. Click here to download. Some of the passages referred to in the podcast are Psalm 138:2; Romans 9:4-5; 15:4;… Read More

Romans E (2:17-29)

Posted: January 5, 2015

Romans E (18 minutes) continues the study of the typical weaknesses of religious people, particularly hypocrisy and condescension. Click here to download. Isaiah 52:5 — God’s people often misrepresent him… Read More

Romans D (2:1-16)

Posted: January 4, 2015

Listen to the fourth podcast in the series (15 minutes). Click here to download. Referred to in the lesson: The Last Things series (including the podcast on Those Who Haven’t… Read More

Romans C (1:18-32)

Posted: January 3, 2015

In our third podcast (21 minutes), we will tackle Romans 1:18-32. For more background on this passage, listen to the Fall of Rome podcast. Click here to download. This lesson refers… Read More

Romans B (1:16-17)

Posted: January 2, 2015

This is the 2nd lesson in a series of 26 on Romans. Here we cover the theme passage, Romans 1:16-17 (22 minutes). Recommended: study Habakkuk 2:4. Ponder: “From faith to… Read More