Who are the people feared by Cain in Genesis 4:14 and acknowledged by God in Genesis 4:15? At the time, were Adam, Eve and Cain the only people on earth? Who was his "wife" (verse 17)? Was it a (later) sibling? -- Ben Money (Durham, North Carolina)

In Genesis 1:11-13, the Bible talks about the creation of vegetation then goes on in verse 27 to talk about the creation of man, thus chronologically placing the creation of man after vegetation and most other life. However, when specifically detailing the creation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:4-7), man is created before vegetation. I do not have enough background to understand this deeper than face value, yet I believe that the Bible does not contradict itself. How can I either decipher this for myself or understand this so that when challenged about this "contradiction" (which an atheist relative of mine pointed out) I can help them to see that the Bible is in fact credible and right? -- Anne Lathrop (Triangle North Carolina)

Very good questions. I will only give partial responses here:
* A case can be made that there was a substantial population outside the "first family." This case is not only based on the anthropological evidences but on the Bible itself.
* His wife could have been a sibling (see Genesis 5:1--Adam and Eve had other children) but then again the text does not naturally read this way. One suspects the sibling explanation is too clever.

All for now! Hate to put you off, but this is why I wrote Origins, which contains the answers to both your questions. The answers are not difficult if you are willing to dig. Actually this book is carried in many Christian bookstores and should be easy to get hold of. Or just borrow it from someone in your church who already has a copy. Thanks!

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2003. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.