How does one tell when the Kingdom actually comes? Jesus speaks of it in present tense in scriptures like Luke 11:20, and in Acts, no one ever says anything to the effect of "here's the kingdom." In fact in Luke 17:20, Jesus says that no one will say that. On Pentecost the focus seems to be the Spirit, not the kingdom. I wonder if you could help me resolve the seeming contradiction between the Kingdom study and what I have been reading. I just want my convictions to come from the Bible. -- Michael Konomos (Atlanta)

Yes, may all of our convictions come from the Bible! That's why it is so crucial to read the Bible with all our minds -- asking questions of the text whenever we need to. Please search the website, keyword: Kingdom. You will see that there is no neat formula to capture a definition of the kingdom. It has already come, and yet it has not yet come. It is the future breaking into the present. Seemingly contradictory truths are held in tension. Your observation is quite right.

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