Can you please shed some light onto the biblical account of the first people to inhabit the earth? Who were the people Cain was so worried about (Genesis 4:14)? Where would the other people come from, since the Bible mentions only three people on the earth at the time of Cain's punishment? Is there any possibility of other people not from Eve at that time? -- Miriam Narganes (Miami)

It is interesting that Adam means "mankind," while Eve means "living." Of course there was a first couple, but they are more than just the first humans. They are all of us--we relate to them!

All of these questions are addressed at length in my book on Genesis, published by DPI and available in the Book and Audio section of this website. It is called God, Science and History. It is fundamentally an evidences book, written to answer questions about Genesis. The project developed out of a search for answers to my own questions.

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