Would you please explain what Jesus meant in Luke 7:28? Jesus says, "I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John, yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he." What was John's greatness? Is Jesus the "least in the kingdom of God"? Should we seek a greatness different from John the Baptist's? These questions have been bugging me for years.

"Greater" refers not to a spirit of passion or heroism, nor to his accomplishments, for who will accomplish what John did in his lifetime? I believe the "greater" pertains to position. John, in one sense, was not in the kingdom, whereas followers of Jesus are in the kingdom (Colossians 1:12-13). Those who lived and died under the old covenant (Jewish Law), like John, experienced their relationship with God less directly than we do (Ephesians 2:18). They would be made complete only with us, the Bible says (Hebrews 11:40). Most important, under that covenant the indwelling Spirit was not given to believers -- this happened only after Jesus' ascension (John 7:39-40). As a result, we enjoy a great position and a greater quality of spirituality. And that is something to thank God for!

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