Many theologians, from what I have heard, have gone as far to say that Melchizedek may have actually been Jesus. Can you shed any light on this subject for me? I've been studying it for years and it's pretty interesting, but still very confusing. -- Jonathan C. Kraftchick (Chapel Hill)

No, the Bible never says Jesus is Melchizedek, though there are several parallels. (I actually don't know of any theologians who have made this claim.) Melchizedek was a priest as well as a royal figure just like Jesus. Melchizedek's priesthood--and this is the main point the Hebrew writer is making--is outside the usual order of things. If Jesus were a regular Jewish priest, he would have to be from the tribe of Levi, but he is from Judah. Melchizedek functions as a precedent: he was part of a legitimate, respected priesthood prior to and outside the order established by God under the old covenant.

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