• "I'm a stay-at-home mother and these studies have helped me tremendously to continue to do what I love to do -- which is to think for myself! I pray for you, your family and your travels often…"
  • "Thank you beyond words for the daily Bible study.  It's a vital part of my morning quiet time. I am getting questions answered and you give me directions to pursue in order to know more deeply about former beliefs from before I became a disciple."
  • "As a school teacher, I have a busy schedule and have often found my Bible studies too random -- not as focused as they should be. You are providing me with the opportunity to daily have a great time of study and insight. Your efforts have blessed my life and I love you for the time and energy you spend posting these studies. I have also enjoyed reading your books!"
  • "My wife and I have now joined in on the daily quiet times and are doing them together. They are refreshing and inspiring! "
  • "In-depth study of the Bible is one of the greatest needs in this generation. I believe your efforts will truly be multiplied in future generations to a degree we do not currently realize.""These studies leave my heart convicted about loving and giving myself sincerely to the people with whom I sharing my faith and life..."
  • "I really like the thought questions for April 23: 'If my life were a movie, who would the star be? Would Jesus be preeminent, or would I upstage him?' It reminds me of another question that I heard a number of years ago: 'If it became a crime to be a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict me?' Both questions are certainly 'food for thought!'"