Thank you so much for your website! I have been skimming through the hundreds of questions as to not repeat mine. I did not find my question; however this doesn't mean that you haven't already answered it! I did learn a lot from the questions I viewed!  The question that arose last Sunday during choir practice was, "Why aren't previous choir members coming to participate anymore?" One member stated that it was because their teen, non-disciple children were told they could not participate. We had a lengthy discussion with several of us offering opinions, and it ended with the challenge to study and seek advice. I tried to search children in worship, however did not find anything on this issue. Many of us could see both sides of the issue. Is it pleasing worship to God to have non-Christians on stage, assisting in the leading of song worship to the congregation? Are they actually leading, anyway? Since they were asked not to participate, have we alienated kids who were trying to get close to God and be a part of a positive fellowship? Some of those members were single moms and women with non-disciple husbands. Did this decision also hurt their faith by eliminating them from healthy fellowship too? I am stumped. -- Missy (Jacksonville)

My first reaction: I think it sends an odd message indeed when non-members are leading worship for members. Don't you think so? To illustrate, should I visit an organization of which I am not a member--say, the Knights of Columbus or the Veterans of Foreign Wars--and walk up front and take an active part in the proceedings? I believe that would be inappropriate. On the other hand, with a little ingenuity it is possible to think of some exceptions.

Anyway, choir itself is not a N.T. issue. As for having people elevated on a stage, I think we need to be very careful about who is up there... It can become an ego thing. Those are my thoughts.

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2005. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.