I've recently read a little about the Indian Bible. the Bhagavad Gita, and in it there is much written about a figure who has many similarities to Jesus. He was born of a virgin, son of god, healed people, claimed to be the only way to God. Can you explain why there are so many similarities? Was the Bhagavad Gita written before the Bible or after? What are the historical documents (manuscripts) about the Bhagavad Gita? -- Andrew Robertson

May I send you to the www to research your own questions? The answers are not too far away! I have material on world religions in my book Compelling Evidence, which you may enjoy. As for the figure you are referring to, he is Krishna. He was also sexually promiscuous, mischievous, and a polytheist. Any incidental similarities to Jesus are far outweighed by the differences!

Anyway, I would suggest you read the Gita yourself, as I did. Then you will not be taking anyone else's word, but able to learn from the original sources. You may be shocked, but certainly impressed that Krishna is hardly a Christ figure. Online you will find all the other answers you seek.

Incidentally, though Krishna and the Gita are popular in India (and outside India), there are a multitude of other gods worshipped in Hinduism. The Gita may have been called the Bible of Hinduism, but not all Hindus agree. Each region or city has its favorite god or goddess.

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2004. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.