I was listening to your sermon on Ephesians 4. You said the great thing about the Bible is that, even if all Christians died off and only the Bible was left, then someone could pick it up and start all over. Does that mean you can be baptized by one who has not been baptized himself? And then, I guess, baptize the one who baptized you? (Kind of like John and Jesus!) -- Nicholas Karastamatis

The Bible, the word of God, is seed (Luke 8:11). Seed can preserved for a long time. Seeds frozen during the last ice age can be thawed and they will often germinate. The word of God is indestructible!

The Bible never explicitly says the one baptizing you must be in a right relationship with God, though it may be assumed that this would generally be the case. Baptism is essential to salvation--on that the scriptures are clear. As far as who performs the ceremony--beware of "priestcraft"! (A good word from the days of the Reformation.) Let us take care to speak where the Bible speaks, and not go beyond what is written (1 Cor 4:6).

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