What scriptures would you share with someone who is seriously struggling with smoking cigarettes--someone who knows it's not good for you but needs to be spiritually convicted? Also, will a disciple who smokes go to heaven? -- T. Blasucci

Although the Bible does not address the subject of smoking directly, there are a number of principles relevant to the discussion. While you cannot prove smoking is a "salvation issue," I would certainly strongly discourage it. Smoking weakens us not only physically but also morally, which opens the door for other sins or compromises to enter and take over.

Please read the article on Smokingwhich I wrote in 1986 (now slightly modified) for A Light to London. I hope you find it helpful--do feel free to share it with your struggling friend.

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2003. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.