Here you can listen to chapter 2 of my 2010 release Compelling Evidence: Finding Truth in an Age of Doubt. The file is 32 minutes in length. This is an evidences book, suitable for believers and non-believers alike. Chapter endnotes (13 in all) are not included in this recording.

Taken from: Compelling Evidence for God and the Bible
Copyright © 2010 by Douglas A. Jacoby
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Used by Permission.

To download the file, click HERE. If the link doesn't work when you left-click on it, right-click on the link, then left-click on "Save as..." or "Save target as." Next, from the sub-menu that pops up, save the file. You are ready to play the file you just saved. (Your computer's MP3 player will launch the podcast.)

If you liked chapter 2, consider reading the previous chapter. The publisher has made chapter 1, "Clearing Away the Debris: Arguments Against the Reality of God," available to read at no charge: CHAPTER 1.

To order the whole book, click ENTIRE BOOK. This includes 13 chapters, 3 appendixes, and further resources. (Since Compelling Evidence doubles as an evangelistic tool, why not order several copies?)