I came across the public television show, "Mysteries of the Bible," talking about Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. They made mention of a theory that Joseph of Arimathea was Jesus' uncle. According to this theory, Jesus had most likely accompanied him on his trips into the northern regions as a young boy on his "business trips" to trade goods. They were intimating this is the main reason Joseph was concerned with burying Jesus (his beloved nephew), not so much that he believed Jesus was the Christ. What is your view of this theory? -- Kristin Virgle (Los Angeles)

Though I have come across the view that Joseph was one of the men who brought the faith to England, I have never come across this view, which sounds even more speculative! There is no evidence at all for it. Or against it. Which is why it is impossible to comment.

Whatever Joseph's motivation for interring Jesus' body, our view on this matter has no doctrinal implications.

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