First - Learn from Disciple Making Leader: Small Circle

Steve McCoy is the leader of Small Circle, one of our trusted disciple-making partners. Here’s what he told us about his ministry during our interview with him:

Tell us about the name of your ministry.

Our organization is called Small Circle because of our focus on this “circle” of church environments. We can think of these in terms of “circles”: Big Circle is our worship gatherings, Mid Circle is group dynamic, Small Circle is a one-to-one relational approach to disciple making.

What is your unique disciple-making emphasis?

When you think of Jesus-style discipleship, he taught crowds (his Big Circle), he gathered his core (his Mid Circle), but he also had another dimension beyond the crowd and the group (his Small Circle). On special missions, he called out Peter, James, and John; he sent his disciples out in pairs; he had a great number of one-to-one interactions (Nicodemus, Martha, Thomas, Peter, and so on).

Every relational circle has a distinctive value and effectiveness. There’s an irreplaceable dynamic when we collectively gather for worship and the preaching of the Word of God. On the other hand, the closer connectivity that is experienced in a Mid Circle (home groups) cannot be replicated in most worship services.

As with the uniqueness of Big and Mid Circles, there’s a beautifully designed experience that ignites in Small Circle. There is no question that the conversations that Jesus must have had with John on a one-to-one level were different than what happened within the group setting. Transparency, vulnerability, safeness—all reach unparalleled depths in the distinctiveness of the Small Circle.

You’ll see that Jesus masterfully interweaves between all of these relational Circles. Being the Creator of our human design, Christ understood that we need the relational revenue that each circle engenders.


Second - Come learn from our partners at the National Disciple Making Forum in November!

Over the last several weeks we have been introducing you to our partners. Each of our partners that we have introduced will be leading track sessions at our National Disciple Making Forum in November.

  • Take advantage of our current ticket price of $169 today!
  • Groups of 5 or more are only $120 per ticket - Bring your Team!
  • This Friday night ticket prices will increase, so register now!

For King Jesus,

Bobby Harrington, Point Leader,