Dear Renew Leaders,
I want to give you a sneak peak at a resource that will soon come out by Because I have the privilege of leading both organizations, I can make sure that Renew leaders get easy access to the best of disciple making resources at Here is a “top 10” list with links to resources that will help you.
Top 10 Free Disciple Making Resources in 2018

  1. The Disciple Maker Online Assessment - this online tool was created by the top disciple making leaders in the USA and statistical and assessment experts for and Exponential (church planting network). It will help you evaluate your development as a disciple maker and determine steps for growth. For more information Click Here
  2. Becoming a Disciple Maker: The Pursuit of Level 5 Disciple Making - this popular eBook (over 5,000 copies downloaded in the last year) provides a model of disciple making that is easy to understand and apply. This is a great resource that gives leadership teams a framework, vocabulary, and tools to make disciple making practical. Click Here to download
  3. Replicate Ministries provides lots of effective resources with a handful that are free. Visit to see their Discipleship Pathway and the Replicate App. They will deepen your understanding and practice for disciple making with your team.
  4. The False Promise of Discipleship by Bill Hull and Brandon Cook is a free eBook that helps frame disciple making centered on a Biblical context. By focusing on how we love those that God has placed in our lives, Hull and Cook call us to act on the very things Jesus called us to prioritize. Click Here to download
  5. Downline Ministries partners with churches in various cities around the USA and online to help pastors make disciples. They have some great free resources, including their short pdf on the “How To’s of Discipleship.” Click Here to view
  6. Jim Putman is one of the most important senior pastor voices when it comes to disciple-making today. Jim provides regular blogs and free resources at and he provides a great summary chart on the stages of disciple-making that you will want to look at. Click Here to view
  7. The Relational Discipleship Network is a go-to ministry for equipping churches for a disciple-making culture. They have a great tool - widely used - called “the discipleship wheel.” It is a free resource called “The RLM Discipleship Process”. Click Here to register for this free content.
  8. Ken Adams and the Impact Disciples team are experienced disciple makers and church leaders. They have a great free resource called, “The Disciple Making Challenge,” Click Here to download
  9. Greg Ogden is one of the most prolific discipleship writers alive today. He pulls together and offers free messages. Check out his free “Essential Guide to Making Disciples Videos” Click Here to view
  10. SmallCircle Disciple Making App - Disciple Makers want practical tools and the SmallCircle app was created just for this purpose. This tool is ideal for one-on-one discipling relationships, but it can also be utilized for disciple-making groups of 3-6. Later this year or in early 2019, SmallCircle will be producing a series in partnership with Renew Network based upon the theology of Renew Network. For more information, Click Here

Please also remember the countless number of free disciple-making resources published each month at

We will also be introducing specialized disciple making tools with Renew Theology (the best of Restoration Movement theology) at our Leadership Launch event October 24th, to register, Click Here
Bobby Harrington