Speaking in Tongues is 28 minutes in length. To listen, click on the play button below:

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Here is the basic outline of the podcast questions:

1. What are biblical tongues?

2. What is glossolalia?

3. Is this only a Christian phenomenon?

4. Is tongue-speaking really psychological?

5. What about "angel languages"?

6. Do we need a private prayer language?

7. What was the purpose of biblical tongues?

8. Did tongues ever die out?

9. Is this a salvation issue?

10. Are "tongues" proof that the tongue speaker is right with God?

For the answers, listen to the podcast. For even more -- much more, including an entire book on the Holy Spirit -- be sure to order The Spirit (IPI 1998, 2005, 2010).  Note: the original book (out of print) was The Powerful Delusion (1987, 1989), the best parts of which were incorporated into The Spirit.