In Mark 7:19, the NIV reads "In saying this, Jesus declared all foods 'clean' ". The KJV reads "purging all meats"; the ASV, "making all meats clean"; and the NKJV, "thus purifying all foods". I was discussing the KJV with a brother who claimed that the NIV was poorly translated, and used my NIV/KJV/Interlinear Bible to show that the Greek literally says "purging all meats," meaning that you digest it and it becomes poop, not that all foods are clean. So I decided to study the Greek and then I read about English 10 translations. I don't see katharizon meaning purging in the "poop" sense, since nearly every occurrence in the NT seems to mean purify or make clean. Is the NIV interpretation correct, or is the Spirit simply saying "it goes into the latrine and it's gone"? Has Jesus declared all foods clean? What's your take? -- Joe

Katharidzein means to clean--pure and simple! In the English language of 400 years ago, "purge" meant to clean, or, in this case, to declare clean. (Similarly, purgatory, in Catholic theology, is the place where your sins are cleansed through suffering.)

Your friend is wrong. The KJV, in appending the phrase "purging all meats" to the clause "and goeth out into the draught" has created something nonsensical.

Your question also points out the limitations of an interlinear. An interlinear will nearly always make the older or stricter translation seem more accurate, whether it is or not. Anyway, Jesus is saying that all foods are clean. I assure you that "purging" in this verse has nothing to do with "poop"!

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