I've been asked by a few friends, "Was it a sin to be immoral in the Old Testament without being married?" What do you say?”—Carmen (Long Beach)

Absolutely! It is stunning to me that your friends would ask this. I can only assume that they have never read the OT, or are, more likely, outsiders to the faith. (Am I right?) After all, the answers begin in Genesis 2:24, which clearly associates sex with marriage. And then there are so many stories in Genesis. Compare, for example, Jacob and Shechem (chapters 29 and 34). Anyway, encourage them to read the Bible. No shortage of verses here!

It is amazing how some people are looking for loopholes. Penalties for sexual sin were quite severe in the Old Testament. As I travel around the world, I am continually amazed how few believers have ever read the OT. My estimate — and I believe this is fairly accurate — is that no more than 10% of Christians have completed the OT. People need training so badly!

(Which is why in 2004 we produced Foundations for Faith: Old Testament Survey. For even more on sin, please see my book Till the Nets Are Full (formerly Shining Like Stars), which has 62 studies (35 for non-Christians, with several on this topic).)

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2006. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.