The question is about Mark 3:28 and Matthew 12:32 versus Luke 12:10. This is of importance for me, because Mark 3:28 is often explained by reference to its context. In Luke 12 "eternal sin" appears in a different context. In Mark, it seems that Jesus was talking to the teachers of the law, but in Luke to disciples. Did Jesus talk about this more than once? Or did Luke put it in wrong context? What does Luke 12:10 mean? -- Martin Laak (Estonia)

My thoughts about this complex question:
* Sure, like any preacher, Jesus is likely to have repeated his material.
* You are right to notice that in different passages he addresses different audiences.
* The gospel writers selected, arranged, and adapted their material, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in order to meet needs in the communities for whom they wrote.
* For more on this, be sure to read the 3rd edition of Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth.

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