I was wondering what your take is on hypnosis. My question more has to deal with the idea of suppressed memories and things of that nature. Although mental health counseling is tremendously helpful (I have in the past seen a Christian counselor), there are still memories that our minds can completely block out. Living in a very "new-age" kind of time there are many different methods available to us. My question: are they spiritual (hypnotism, to be specific)? -- Tina

If by spiritual you mean legitimate or acceptable for a woman of faith, I would answer that hypnotism is neither spiritual nor unspiritual. It isn't explicitly forbidden or commended in the Bible. And yet it works. If it is beneficial and permissible (or at least not forbidden), I see no problem with hypnotism.

If by spiritual you mean that the Lord or his angels are working through hypnotism, I can only offer an opinion: I don't think so. But that wouldn't mean a believer ought to avoid this or other proven techniques in therapy.

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