Hebrews 11:4 says, "And by faith he Abel still speaks, even though he is dead." My Bible notes suggest that he still "speaks" through his spiritual reputation and good influence. How is this a function of faith? Will my faith still "speak" for itself when I die, assuming I was righteous woman? -- Abby Collins (San Francisco)

I think your Bible notes are right: It is the continuing influence of Abel that is under discussion. The "by faith" refers to his spiritual orientation when he was on the earth, not his present disposition. (Not that we have any biblical reason to doubt his spirituality.) Abel gave his best to God. His faith was simple, pure, and not self-directed. Cain presented quite a contrast--we all know the story. And yes, you and I have the opportunity to affect not only our present generation, but also the next one, through our example, influence, memoirs, children, and so forth. May we do so!

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