I had a question about the saying, "Speak where the Bible speaks, and be silent where the Bible is silent." To me this means that if there is no biblical authority for something, it is prohibited. (For example, instrumental music, dating, etc. These cannot be allowed because the Bible is "silent" on such things.) I have always agreed with the saying, "Be silent where the Bible speaks, and speak where it is silent." This means, If the Bible speaks, simply obey it and follow it. If the Bible is silent on something, we have freedom as long as we don't cause our brother to stumble (1 Cor 13). Structures and methods that are not clearly in the Bible, have surely helped accomplish God's will... right? -- Mike Patterson

I agree that we are not to make rules God has not made. There is considerable freedom in Christ, though the rule-makers will deprive us of it if we let them. On the other hand, our exercise of freedom must not become a cause of stumbling for the weak.

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