I study French literature at the doctoral level at a public university. I enjoy my studies very much but I worry that my convictions will be compromised by secular theories that my colleagues seem to put so much stock in. With a wave of their hands they dismiss God as passé. I have been a Christian for 7 years but I'm starting to wonder if I am strong enough to really stick to my convictions in such an environment. I'm sure that in your studies you came across similar difficulties. What advice can you give me? -- Ann

Yes, in my studies at the graduate level (eight years, and always in very liberal institutions) I faced similar challenges. But they were not insurmountable. Four things that helped me:
* Being completely devoted to the local fellowship.
* Spending loads of time in the Word.
* Reading as many extra books (outside the Bible) as necessary to find answers to my questions.
* Sharing my faith and not avoiding the academically advanced (students as well as professors).

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2004. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.