Local publications in Boston have been advertising a course called "The Power of Kabbalah." It claims millions in the world are turning to Kabbalah for spiritual growth. Free lectures are available each week at The Kabbalah Centre for improving People's Lives. Is this a new religion? -- a brother in Boston

No, this is not a new religion. I remember first hearing about Cabala from my first religion professor at Duke, who was a rabbi himself. Kabbalah (also spelled Kabbala, Cabala, Qabala, etc) is a term used widely for Jewish mysticism--especially in its medieval form. It is hardly mainstream Judaism, and yet it has been around for centuries. Yes, it seems to be enjoying popularity today. You may wish to consult the worldwide web for more information, e.g. www.kabbalah.com. As I see things, anytime a religion becomes reinterpreted in an occult/mystical vein, it will attract a certain following, and this is what has happened in this case.

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2003. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.