I was sharing my faith with someone who told me he believes in the Urantian philosophy. I don´t know a lot about it and I wanted to ask you what you think. I read some pages of the Book of Urantia at its homepage "www.urantia.org" and I need your help for my friend. -- Javier Gudiño Rivera (Guadalajara)

I visited their website when I saw your question and today in the local library (in Jacksonville, Florida) skimmed through the Book of Urantia. (The heavy tome is nearly 2000 pages long, as you cannot have failed to notice!) This bizarre religion seems to be a fusion of New Age and metaphysics -- pseudo-science meets philosophy of history. Or L. Ron Hubbard meets the Force meets the Borg. This is weird stuff baby! The author(s) seems to have attempted to comment on every aspect of human existence, carjacking the teachings of Jesus in the process. (The real Jesus was thrown out of the car -- they appear to have watered down his teachings quite nicely.) Sorry I am motivated to search no further!

Mankind has created so many philosophies and religions all aiming to appear wise or sophisticated. Colossians 2:8 gives us all the appropriate word of caution.

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2003. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.