This may sound like a stupid question, but do animals go to heaven? I'm almost positive that they don't, but I heard someone use the scripture about humans and animals having the same fate to prove they do. My take is that we are all made from dust and to dust we shall return. I believe that simply means that we're all going to die some day, bottom line. Also if they don't go to heaven, the Bible says that we will receive whatever we want in heaven, right? What if we wanted to see a childhood pet -- is that possible?

To begin with, I do not think it is a stupid question. It may be the sort of question a child asks, but it is also the kind of question many thinking adults ask, too. (When our German Shepherd died in 1970, I cried all day. I would have done anything to see her again--even to believe I would see her again.) I agree with your understanding of the reference to Ecclesiastes. Wishful thinking can see anything in a verse of scripture.

But as for the Bible saying we will receive "whatever we want" in heaven. I don't know where this verse is found. Jesus did say that when we ask in faith (Mark 11:24) we will receive, but it is a real stretch to jump to the "name it and claim it" theology of the televangelist, and an even bigger one to think we will get whatever we want in heaven. If heaven is only a glorified amusement park or pleasure palace, maybe seeing our pets would be a more meaningful alternative. I tend to think of heaven as being so grand, so awesome, that, in contrast, even being reunited with Fifi would seem an insipid and dull pleasure.

Not that we don't love our pets!..... (A dog and two cats.)

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