I have a question that has been bothering my heart. I have been studying the book of Joshua and I find in the second chapter Rahab lies and that seems to be okay because of the situation. I am quite confused. Can you help me to find information about the book of Joshua and help me to understand the situation? -- Robert Galofre (Caracas)

Rahab is commended in Hebrews 11 for her faith. She sided with the people of God and did her best to support the Israelites (Joshua 2:1-7). Yet she is not commended for lying per se. The book of Joshua reports what happened as it happened. It does not always offer a value judgment on what is happening. Sometimes we say things or do things which may not fully conform to the moral will of God yet we are blessed anyway because of our heart. Once again, Rahab is nowhere praised for her lying. Yet by her faith, she saved not only herself but her family as well. She ranks with the great women of faith despite her moral failings--her previous lifestyle and even those imperfections arising in the course of her striving to do right.

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