I was always taught to tithe and have always done so, and God has blessed my family tremendously. Yet the evangelist in my new ministry situation does not believe in pressing the issue of 10% with his people. He says the New Testament says nothing about a tithe, so he doesn't feel right pressing the issue. Will this be something we just disagree on? -- Patrick

Personally, I agree with your evangelist. The New Testament nowhere teaches a mandatory tithe. There is in fact no minimum level of giving acceptable to the Lord, and no maximum level, either. It will depend totally on the individual's situation.

However--and this is a big "however"--in the First World, there are very, very few of us who can't give well over 10%, if we are prioritizing the kingdom in our lives and not simply spending our money as the rest of the world does (entertainment, luxuries, fancy vacations...). The Bible has much to say about money--more than we tend to be comfortable with.

As you study the Bible with prospective disciples, it is important to cover issues such as stewardship and materialism (Ephesians 5:3-5). Jesus himself taught many parables on our attitudes towards and use of wealth. (See especially the gospel of Luke.) I would encourage you to do your own study; hopefully this will not be an area in which you will have to "agree to disagree."

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