This article is especially relevant to Americans.

Greg Koukl • Stand to Reason

I’ve had some of the most interesting conversations about spiritual matters with ordinary people who serve my table in restaurants.

This is something you can do, too. Here are three ways. . .

First, find out the server’s name.

It’s a friendly thing to do—even flattering—and will help you remember their name better. Begin to use their name immediately. Just the conscious effort itself may be enough to help you remember.

The second thing to do is leave a decent tip.

My own standard is between 15% on the low end to 20% for really good service. Sure, sometimes the wait staff may not deserve 15%. But if they get shorted by me on the tip, I think they’re less likely to attribute it to their poor service than they are to associate bad tipping with stingy Christian patrons.

There’s one last thing I do, and it may be the most important.

As I’m walking out, I make a point to find the waiter or waitress and simply say, “Thank you.” I want their last impression of me to be as pleasant as their first.

What’s the real goal? Simply this: People are important to the Lord, and if they are important to him, they should be important to you and me.