Today we would like to share with you the "required reading" for the marriage & family element of the Athens Institute of Ministry.

Marriage & Parenting: The Minister's Family Life

1. Sam & Geri Laing, Friends & Lovers: Marriage as God Designed It (DPI, 1996)
2. Sam & Geri Laing, Raising Awesome Kids in Troubled Times (DPI, 1994)
3. Sam & Geri Laing and Elizabeth Laing Thompson, The Wonder Years: Parenting Preteens & Teens (DPI, 2001)
4. Elizabeth Laing Thompson, Glory Days: Real Life Answers for Teens (DPI, 1999)
5. Tedd Tripp. Shepherding a Child's Heart (Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press, 1995)
6. Douglas & Victoria Jacoby, The Quiver: Christian Parenting in a Non-Christian World (IPI, 2005, 2007).

Sam and Geri's books are available from DPI at

If any of these titles remain unread in your library, may I encourage you to get hold of them and read? You will not regret it. What is the best parenting/family book you have ever read? If you let me know, perhaps it can be featured at one of this website's upcoming Family Circles. Thanks.

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