Douglas Jacoby Resume

Born: 13 August 1959, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Marriage: 17 August 1985 to Victoria Gibbs; three adult children
Residence: Lancashire, England and Atlanta, Georgia


1971-77:  The Ranney School, Tinton Falls, New Jersey: Valedictorian. Also: Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout); Mathematics Honor Society; National Latin Honor Society; Football team; Yearbook Literary Editor; School Magazine Sports Editor; Episcopal Young Churchmen; Drama Club; Latin Club (President)
1977-80:  Duke University, Durham, NC: Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship, B.A. (History)
1980:  Oxford University, Oxford, England (New College): summer course in British Political History, in conjunction with A. B. Duke Scholarship.
1980-82:  Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.T.S. in New Testament
1982-85:  University of London (King’s College, Department of Biblical Studies): postgraduate study in New Testament.
1989-92:  Swedish language tutorial (private study)
1996-99:  Drew University, Madison, New Jersey: D.Min. degree

1975-76: Counselor, Boy Scouts of America. Camp in Catskill Mountains of New York.
1977: Food service, Great Adventure Amusement Park, Jackson, NJ.
1977-80: Duke University Department of Mathematics, Teaching Assistant
1979: Research Triangle Park, NC: collegiate summer program, medium industrial work in consignment shipping.
1980-82: Secretarial work, Kelly Services (shorthand, typing, etc), Boston area.
1981: Harvard Law School, custodial work.
1982: University of London Senate House, secretary, Finance Department.
1983: Ministerial internship program in Central London Church of Christ. Beginning of 20-year employment with the Churches of Christ
1983-2003: Ministerial work within the Churches of Christ.
1983-89:  London. Appointed evangelist, 1985.
1989-92:  Stockholm. Oversaw churches in Sweden, Denmark, Finland.
1992-93:  Philadelphia. Campus ministry. Recognized as International Teacher, 1993.
1993-94:  Washington DC. Campus ministry.
1994-96:  London. Churches in London, Manchester, Dublin.
1996-2002:  Washington DC. Director of Education for British Commonwealth, 1999.
1998-2025: Director, Biblical Study Tour
2002-03:  Sydney, Australia. Teacher and Ministry Consultant.
2003-2025:  Teaching Consultant, T&R, Inc: preaching, teaching, debating, and podcasting
2004-2024: Principal, Athens Institute of Ministry
2009-2022: Adjunct Professor in Bible and Theology at Lincoln Christian University
2013-2025: Professor of Theology & Apologetics, Mountain Theological Seminary

III. Director, International Teachers’ Seminar:
1995—London, UK; 1996—London, UK; 1997—London, UK; 1998—Herzliya, Israel; 1999—Jerusalem, Israel; 2000—Paris, France; 2001—Berlin, Germany; 2002—Athens, Greece; 2003—Chicago; 2004—Rome, Italy; 2005—Athens, Greece; 2006—Washington, DC; 2007—Ephesus, Turkey; 2009—Atlanta; 2013—Ephesus, Turkey

Director, Biblical Study Tour:
2001—Wittenberg & Berlin
2002—Athens & Corinth
2003—Chicago & Wheaton
2004—Rome & Pompeii
2005—Athens, Corinth, Delphi
2006—Washington DC
2008—Egypt, Israel, Jordan
2009—Rome & Pompeii
2010—London & Oxford
2011—Israel & Jordan
2013—Athens & Ephesus
2014—Rome & Pompeii
2015—Wittenberg, Zurich, Geneva
2019—Israel (3 tours)
2022—Malta, Sicily, Italy
Israel (African)
Turkey (with Global Smyrna Meeting)
2024—Turkey (Antioch, Tarsus, Cyprus...)
2025—Turkey (Seven Churches) and Turkey (Council of Nicaea)

Advanced Christian Training (1986)
Shining Like Stars (1987, 1990, 2000, 2006, 2017), also available in Vietnamese. Republished under the title Till the Nets Are Full (2018)
The Powerful Delusion (1987)
I Was Hungry! The Christian Response to Poverty (1987, 1988, 2022)
True and Reasonable: Reasons for Faith in an Age of Doubt (1988, 1994, 1999, 2005). Also available in Russian, French, Vietnamese, and Spanish.
The Spirit: Presence, Power, Sense, Nonsense (1998, 2005, 2011, 2017). Also available in Spanish.
Equipping the Members (doctoral dissertation) (1999)
Q&A: Answers to Bible Questions You Have Asked (2001)
Q&A II: More Answers to Bible Questions You Have Asked (2002)
Genesis, Science, and History (1997, 2004)
Foundations for Faith: Old Testament Survey (2004)
The Faith Unfurled: New Testament Survey (2005)
The Quiver (2005, 2007). Also available in Spanish (La Aljaba,2010). Republished under the title Principle-Centered Parenting (2017).
The Letters of James, Peter, John, Jude: Life to the Full (1995, 2006). Also available in Chinese.
The Bible Quiz Book (2008)
Jesus and Islam (2009)
Compelling Evidence for God & the Bible (2010). Spanish version Evidencia Convincente.
The Ultimate Bible Quiz Book (2011)
Your Bible Questions Answered (2011)
A Quick Overview of the Bible: How All the Pieces Fit Together (2012, 2019)
What Happens After We Die? (2012)
What is the Truth About Heaven & Hell? (2013)
Thrive! Flourishing through the Psalms (2014)
Chariots of Fire (2015) Audio & DVD Sets
The Lion has Roared: The Prophet Amos (2016), book & audio set
Night of Redemption: Exodus and Us (2016)
Answering Skeptics (2017)
Adventures in Apologetics (2000) (DVD)
The Wisdom Literature (2004)
Foundations for Faith: Old Testament Survey (2004)
From Facts to Faith: Evidences in Defense of the Faith (2005)
The Faith Unfurled: New Testament Survey (2005)
How We Got the Bible (2005)
The Psalms (2005)
What Happens After We Die? (2006)
The Lost Books of the Bible (2006)
Revelation & the End of the World (2006)
Anchored for Life: Faith Without Compromise (2006)
New Testament Leadership: Preachers, Teachers, Elders, Servants (2007)
1-2 Timothy & Titus: Culture, Conformity, or Conviction (2007)
Take AIM! (DVD set) (recorded 2004/2005 and again 2007/2009)
Who Is My Brother? (2006 International Teachers' Seminar, 2007)
Does God Exist? - debate with Michael Shermer (2007) (DVD)
Understanding Islam (2007) (DVD)
Friend or Foe? (2007) (DVD)
The True Legacy of Abraham—Debate with Shmuley Boteach and Shabir Ally (2008) (DVD)
Egypt in the Bible (2008 International Teachers' Seminar)
Thy Kingdom Come! (2008)
Early Church History (2008)
Evolution & Creation—2nd debate with Michael Shermer at the U. of Florida (2008)
Baptism: The Water that Divides (2009)
Judaism & Christianity: Which is the Religion of Peace?—2nd debate with Shmuley Boteach and Elie Abadie (2009)
Jesus: Man, Myth, or Messiah? (2010)—debate with Robert Price at Houston Baptist University
Back from the Edge: A Study of Hebrews (2010)
Christianity & the Paranormal (ARS Conference) (2011)
Is Christianity Rational?—debate with Robert Brotherus in Helsinki (2011)
Night of Redemption: A Study of Exodus (2011)
From Facts to Faith I (revised) (2011)
From Facts to Faith II (2011)
From Facts to Faith III (2011)
Jesus Christ: Apocalyptic Prophet or Son of God? Debate with Richard Carrier in Sacramento (2012)
Is Christianity Rational?—debate with Michael Shermer at UCLA.
Science & Faith: Enemies or Allies? (DVD) (2013)
Chariots of Fire: The Radical Life of the Prophet Elijah (2013)
The Problem of Human Suffering (2014)
Amos: The Lion Has Roared (2016)
Escape (audio) (2016)
Campus Core (2016)
Christian Evidence for God and the Bible—online (2016)
Exodus: Night of Redemption (2017)
Answering Skeptics (2017)
Violence, the Bible & the Qur'an—debate with Sheikh Shabir Ally in Toronto (2017)
Principle-Centered Parenting (2017)
Origins: The Ancient Impact and Modern Implications of Genesis 1-11,with Paul Copan (2018)
Jesus Christ: Prophet or Son of God—debate with Sheikh Shabir Ally in Atlanta
When God is Silent: The Problem of Human Suffering (2018). Spanish version, Cuando Dios Calla,
Informed: Untangling Destructive Interpretations of Scripture, with Joseph Harris (2019)
Baptism debate with Thomas Ross (2020)
Eternal Security debate with Thomas Ross (2020)
Messianic Judaism: Should Christians Follow the Old Testament? (2021)
Ezekiel: Calling Out the Church (2022)
Amen. Collected Prayers and Hymns for the Journey (2023)
Amen & Amen (2025)

2000-25—Member, American Association of Christian Counselors
2005-25—Member, American Scientific Affiliation
2009-25—Advisory Board, Strength in Weakness Ministries
2009-25—Member, Biblical Archaeology Society
2009-25—Member, Evangelical Philosophical Society
2010-25—Member, Stone Campbell Journal
2010-25—Member, Society of Biblical Literature
2018-25—American Friends of Tyndale House
2020-25—Member, Christians in Science (UK)
2020-25—Editorial Board, Teleios journal
2022-25—Friend, Institute for Biblical Research

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