Stand to Reason

Deconstruction has disrupted, dismantled, and destroyed the faith of so many. That's why, following the release of Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers’s new book The Deconstruction of Christianity, this digest provides you with resources to help you understand the goal of deconstruction, seek truth, and respond to objections.


Are Your Questions Seeking Answers or Exits?What is the difference between questioning and deconstructing? Tim Barnett shares what he has learned from his research on deconstruction and responds to a book written by progressive Christians who say we should doubt everything rather than test or examine.


Listen to the Podcast


Why Are Christians Deconstructing?

Greg talks to Natasha Crain about how we define deconstruction and why so many are walking away from traditional Christianity. Then they discuss what our search for truth should look like.

Watch the Video


Case Study: Deconversion

Greg Koukl walks you through the process of answering complaints against Christianity that often lead to deconversion.

Read the Article


Will you make a generous gift today to equip confident and clear-thinking believers? Now through February 29, in thanks for your support, we want to send you Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers’s ground-breaking new book, The Deconstruction of Christianity—What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond. Learn to think through the main issues surrounding faith deconstruction and explore wise and loving ways to respond.

If you can’t give a “why” to your faith, you won’t be able to give a “why not” to your doubts. Now available on demand, our Reality Student Apologetics Conference Seek and You Will Find features talks from Tim Barnett, J. Warner Wallace, Jason Jimenez, and more addressing Christianity’s most challenging questions. We define terms like “doubt” and “deconstruction” and demonstrate how Christianity can stand up to its toughest critic: yourself.

