For CLEAN podcast 4, on Purity in James, Peter, & John, click on the play arrow. The podcast (14 minutes) can also be downloaded. To download, right click here and choose 'save target as' or 'save link as'.


  • Reminder: purity a broad concept. Narrowing the definition to a single sin lets us off the hook!
  • How are you doing this year (so far) with purity of thought, speech, lifestyle? How's your focus?
  • Just as in OT so in NT...

Scriptural study

  • James 1:27
    • The pollution of the world males us apathetic and self-absorbed
    • Sodom (Ezek 16:48) is a lamentable example of a people polluted by the world
    • Their hallmark sin of sodomy is not even mentioned in this passage (though it is alluded to)
    • Not to care about those in emotional or psychological agony renders our religion impure -- even worthless (Jas 1:26).
  • James 3:17
    • This verse appears in the conclusion of a chapter on the tongue.
    • In speech, attitude, fellowship, outreach, interactions at home, response to criticism, etc., we are to stay pure.
  • 1 Pet 1:22
    • It's hard to love and give to others with a troubled conscience.
    • Notice also that our hearts are purified by obedience.
    • This is probably also an allusion to rebirth (water, spirit) -- obeying their gospel (Acts 5:32; 2 Thess 1:8; etc).
  • 1 Pet 3:2
    • Context: winning over a spouse -- but it has wide application.
    • Winning over anyone who isn't ready for reason and studying the scripture...
  • Rev 19:8
    • The imagery of clean garments is opposite that of Isa 64:4-7.
    • In fact this verse refutes the common Protestant (esp. Calvinist) interpretation. Purity entails obedience, and is within reach.
  • Rev 19:14 -- from the beginning of the Bible to the end, purity is a crucial concept and essential for our lives as followers of God.

Case study:
Simon the Sorcerer

  • What happens when we are careless, heedless as to condition of our hearts?
  • Failure to keep our heart’s pure (Prov 4:23) can lead us to a bad, bad place.
  • Simon Magus is a colorful and clear example of where we can end up if we neglect to fail to keep a pure heart.
  • Acts 8:5-6, 9-10, 12-13, 18-24.
  • Did Simon turn the corner and become pure in his devotion? No – later went to Rome and caused a lot of trouble for Peter…..
  • Let's keep our hearts pure today!!!
[Tomorrow: Walking in the Light -- Where Protestants, Catholics, and nearly everybody else go off course ]

NOTE: For the remaining 27 podcasts, remember to log in as website members.

  • You have heard 4 lessons so far (Intro lesson 0 + the first 3 lessons)
  • You will be able to hear the final 2 lessons on purity & cleansing
  • And then 7 lessons on Leprosy
  • 7 more on Exorcism
  • 10 on reanimation
  • 2 concluding lessons (best of all!)

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