2024 Outreach Resources of the Year

Check out our books featured as Outreach Resources of the Year for 2024! We are so proud of the hard work our authors put in to these award-winning titles. If you haven't already, grab these books and add them to your TBR list!

The Great Dechurching



$20.99   $29.99


The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?


Jim Davis and Michael Graham with Ryan P. Burge

The Great Dechurching gives the church in America its first ever deep dive into the dechurched phenomenon. You'll learn about the dechurched through a detailed sketch of demographics, size, core concerns, church off-ramps, historical roots, and the gravity of what is at stake. Then you'll explore what can be done to slow the bleed, engage the pertinent issues winsomely and wisely, and hopefully re-church some of the dechurched.



Hybrid Church



$17.49   $24.99


Hybrid Church: Rethinking the Church for a Post-Christian Digital Age


James Emery White

In Hybrid Church, James Emery White argues that the post-pandemic church must commit to a hybrid strategy as the only means to reach a post-Christian culture in a digital age. This book will help you rethink the church's approach and stretch you to move beyond the mentality of "that's the way we've always done it."






$13.99   $19.99


Intentional: Living Out the Eight Principles of Disciple Making


Brandon Guindon

Today, churches and their leaders relentlessly pursue innovation of the next new idea that will somehow capture the attention of the spiritually lost, yet very few Christians know how to walk out a day-to-day lifestyle of intentional disciple making. Drawing from decades of experience making disciples, pastor Brandon Guindon will show you how Jesus' call to "Go and Make Disciples" can become more than just a vague church slogan when we relearn the discipleship methods that Jesus modeled for us.



The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout



$13.99   $19.99


The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout: A Journey from Exhaustion to Wholeness



Sean Nemecek

This book integrates biblical interpretation, theology, psychology, and contemplative spirituality into a holistic approach to recovery. It is filled with relatable stories of church leaders who have walked this path and includes discussion questions for personal contemplation or group discussion. The Weary Leader's Guide to Burnout will help pastors and Christian leaders develop an integrated approach to life, work, and ministry through healing and spiritual transformation.



A Burning House



$18.89   $26.99


A Burning House: Redeeming American Evangelicalism by Examining Its History, Mission, and Message


Brandon Washington

Throughout this challenging but reconciliatory book, Washington gives a historical and theological appraisal of American evangelicalism to understand how we came to be where we are and what our response should be. Instead of calling the movement to become something new, he challenges it to live into what it has always been in Christ and strive for deliberate and sacrificial integration—the unity of believers of all ethnicities.



Into the Heart of Romans



$20.99   $29.99


Into the Heart of Romans: A Deep Dive into Paul's Greatest Letter


N.T. Wright

(From Zondervan Academic.)

Romans is often and for good reason considered a crux of Christian thought and theology, the greatest of Paul's letters. And within Romans, chapter 8 is one of the most spectacular pieces of early Christian writing. Into the Heart of Romans will help you become familiar with the book of Romans in a deeper way that will also deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Gospel itself.



The Gospel Invitation



$12.59   $17.99

The Gospel Invitation: Why Publicly Inviting People to Receive Christ Still Matters


O.S. Hawkins, Matt Queen

(From our friends at Thomas Nelson.)

The Gospel Invitation offers insights and guidance on issuing public calls to Christ, filling a gap left by seminaries that no longer teach evangelism. This is the first book written on public invitations in the last 30 years.

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