The following two hundred plus articles are searchable nowhere else at this website, as they are found only in newsletter pdf files.


Apologetics A—Hypocrites!
Apologetics B—Bible: Was it Changed?
Apologetics C—Bible: Minimizing the Word
Apologetics D—Bible Conspiracies
Apologetics E—Morality: That’s Personal!
Apologetics F—Morality: The Euthyphro Dilemma
Apologetics G—Morality: God is Dead
Apologetics H—Morality: It Means God
Apologetics I—Nonsense Questions
Apologetics J—God: The Old Man in the Sky
Apologetics J—World Religions: Building Bridges (Not Burning Them)
Apologetics K—God: Prove It!
Apologetics L—God: Concepts of God that Don’t Work
Apologetics M—God: Coming to Terms
Apologetics N—Science: The Universe is Eternal?
Apologetics O—Science: The Two Books
Apologetics P—Science: Design
Apologetics Q—Science: Evolution, a False Choice
Apologetics R—Science: What About Genesis?
Apologetics S—Science: Evolution—Responses
Apologetics T—Suffering: If God is Good…?
Apologetics U—Suffering: The Cruciform Life, Pt. 1
Apologetics V—Suffering: The Cruciform Life, Pt. 2
Apologetics W—Miracles
Apologetics X—Jesus Christ: Skeptic Challenges 1
Apologetics Y—Jesus Christ: Skeptic Challenges 2
Apologetics Z— Jesus Christ: Skeptic Challenges 3
Apologetics ZA—Religious Wars
Apologetics ZB—Religion: Common Misconceptions
Apologetics ZC—Use Your Head!
Apologetics ZD—Islam: Take the Quiz!
Apologetics ZE—Islam: the Basics
Apologetics ZF—Islam: Jihad
Apologetics ZG—Islam: Making the Connection
Apologetics ZH—World Religions: 2500 Gods
Apologetics ZI—Judaism: Revolutionary Truths!

As for me and my house (Joshua 24:14-15)

Baptism I
Baptism II
Baptism III

Biblical Words A: Quiz (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words B: Agape (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words C: Mashiach (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words D: Golgotha (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words E: Shalom (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words F: Mammon (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words G: Abba (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words H: Metanoia (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words I: Raka (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words J: Yahweh (YHWH) (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words K: Oikoumene (linguistic insight)
Biblical Words L: 12 More Words (linguistic insight)

Black Panther

Chaos in the Camp (Exodus 32:31-34)

Choose life! (Deuteronomy 30:11-20)

Church A: Ekklesia
Church B: Church Universal & Local
Church C: Members, Membership (& Dismembering?)

Church of the East

Colossians 2:18


Creation Care A: (Penny Cox)
Creation Care B: Environmental Stewardship (Penny Cox)
Creation Care C: The Theology of Ecology (Malcolm Cox)
Creation Care D: Global Warming (John Clayton)

Crucial Poetry of 1-2 Timothy (1 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Timothy 2:11-13)

Cycles of Sin (Judges 2:11-19)

Dead Sea Scrolls 1
Dead Sea Scrolls 2
Dead Sea Scrolls 3
Dead Sea Scrolls 4

Dealing with disappointment (1 Chronicles 28:1-7)

Destructive Interpretations A: Health & Wealth
Destructive Interpretations B: Signs & Wonders
Destructive Interpretations C: Fear & Fascination
Destructive Interpretations D: Rapture & Tribulation
Destructive Interpretations E: Predestination & Perseverance
Destructive Interpretations F: Sex & Pleasure
Destructive Interpretations G: Heaven & Hell
Destructive Interpretations H: Zion & Palestine
Destructive Interpretations I: Visions & Dreams
Destructive Interpretations J: Bow & Pray
Destructive Interpretations K: Gospel Plus
Destructive Interpretations L: Scare Tactics

Dinner with the Rabbi

Discipleship I
Discipleship II
Discipleship III

Doxology of Romans 16:25-27

Ears to Hear (Revelation 3:22)

Edward John Carnell on Judging

End-of-Life Care (Penny Cox)

Ephesians 4:4-6

Evolution & Creation: A False Choice

Ezekiel A—Clarion Call
Ezekiel B—False Optimism
Ezekiel C—Disaster Dramatized
Ezekiel D—Yahweh Calls out the Shepherds (and the Sheep)
Ezekiel E—False Prophets
Ezekiel F—Ingratitude & Infidelity
Ezekiel G—The Lord is Just
Ezekiel H—Stand in the Gap
Ezekiel I—Beautiful Singer
Ezekiel J—Glorious Future

Ezra 4:1-5

Faith Alone?

Falling Away and Wandering Away

False Prophets

Finally, Paul in Rome (Acts 28:30-31)

Four Lepers & the Good News (2 Kings 7:3-10)

Free Counseling Videos

From Napalm to Faith

Galatians 2:11

Genesis 2:24 and Sexual Integrity

Golden Rule (Matt 7:12)

Hate Brother, Love God? (1 John 4:20)

High-Caliber Leaders Win Hearts and Minds

Interview with Richard Rothstein on The Color of Law

Interview with Travis Albritton on When God Is Silent

Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 1
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 2
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 3
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 4
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 5
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 6
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 7
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 8
Jeremiah, Jesus & Us 9

Kingdom A: The King
Kingdom B: Kingdom Message
Kingdom C: An Alternative Government

Leper King, Incensed (2 Chronicles 36:1 ff)

Let’s Lower Our Standards! (1 Kings 12:26-32)

Marijuana and the Bible

Materials on Witchcraft & the Paranormal

Survivalism, Part 1
Survivalism, Part 2

Meditation (Joshua 1:8)


Ministry A: Who?
Ministry B: What?
Ministry C: Why?

Nehemiah 8:8, 12

New Wine in Old Wineskins (Mark 2:21-22)

No Eye Has Seen (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)

Numbers A: 77
Numbers B: 1000
Numbers C: Millennium
Numbers D: 12
Numbers E: 40
Numbers F: 7
Numbers G: 666 & 888
Numbers H: 3

Old Testament passages good for every Christian to know

Online Bible test
Results and implications of the Online Bible Test

Parable of the Salmon

Pastoral Malpractice

Personal spiritual retreats

Practice of the Presence of God

Prophesying—but not saved (1 Samuel 19:23)

Prophet Like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-18)

Quivering Mass of Availability

Rare and Unusual Bible Words

Remember the Earlier days (Hebrews 10:32-35)

Resolutely Setting Out for Jerusalem (Luke 9:51 ff.)


Resurrection Based on Pagan Myths? (several resources)

Roman Road

Ruth Wept Aloud (Ruth 1:14-18)

Sacrifice Our Firstborn? (Genesis 22:2)

Spiritual Assembly Line

Spiritual Gifts

Spousal Abuse

Striking the Rock (Numbers 20:8-11)

Surprising Passages 1: The Religious Guy Doesn't Make It
Surprising Passages 2: God is a Violent King?
Surprising Passages 3: Women Don't Count?
Surprising Passages 4: Rape and Deuteronomy 22
Surprising Passages 5: The New Jerusalem
Surprising Passages 6: Jude's quote from 1 Enoch
Surprising Passages 7: Jesus Had 7 Siblings!
Surprising Passages 8: One-Day Conversions?

Teaching Women in Iraq (Marie Sarah)

Tithing for Christians? and Tithing: Further thoughts

Tour Through John in 50 Days

Trinitarian benediction (2 Corinthians 13:14)

Truth About Falling Away

Tsunami Story

Unauthorized Fire (Leviticus 10:1-3)

Up the Mountain—and Down (Exodus 20:1-2)

Use & Misuse of the King James Bible

What happened to the apostles after New Testament times?

Women Don’t Count?

Word Became Flesh (John 1:14)

1 Thessalonians 5:14

125 Countries & 1 Core Mission

2 Samuel 24:24