Talk 2 in the Messianic Judaism series (10 minutes) examines the roots of this movement, as well as some of its terminology.

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Main ideas:

  • 1st century: apostles agree Gentiles are not obligated to follow Torah (Acts 15:1-35; Titus 1:10-11).
  • 19th century: rooted in evangelism of Jews in Israel during the Ottoman period, Zionism, and Dispensationalism.
  • 20th century: birthed in groups like "Jews for Jesus" (1960s-1970s).
  • In short, there is no "Messianic Judaism" until a few generations ago. The movement is marked not by its antiquity, but by its novelty.
  • Terminology: many Semitic words are embraced, like Yeshua. Words historically offensive to Jews are avoided (e.g. crusade, cross, baptism, BC & AD). The term "Messianic" means that they accept Jesus as the Messiah.