Studying the ten commandments made me wonder whether the first commandment is an action command, or a call to faith, or even perhaps an "action point" about our worship? I don't feel equipped to personally compare the Hebrew with the LXX, but I found this interesting website. Basically, does the Hebrew and/or the LXX show a clear distinction between the commands so that the count comes out to 10? My specific question: Is the first command a statement of fact requiring faith as a response (an OT equivalent to "believe"), or is it an imperative sentence requiring acton? (I know true faith and action are intertwined.) Does that make sense? Honestly, I expect it's an imperative, but am just trying to get clear on it. -- Fred Ichinose

Note: LXX = Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew OT; MT = Masoretic text, or medieval Hebrew copies of the OT.

In the Hebrew, these are imperatives. But you are right, there is a convergence. There is no numbering, which is why the Samaritans were able to combine 1 and 2 and leave room for their new no. 10.

The LXX is older than the MT, but certainly the Hebrew tradition which became the LXX is older than the LXX itself. 

So I agree that the first commandment is the command not to follow other gods, and that there is only one commandment about not coveting.