The International Bible Teaching Ministry takes seriously Jesus' charge to go into all the world. Our strategy is three-pronged:


Since the inception of the International Bible Teaching Ministry (1992), I typically work in 10 countries a year. (So far, I've been in 132 nations.) The ministry also provides tuition and underwrites travel expenses for a number of men and women teachers as they share the word in their own geographical regions. "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them... and teaching them..." (Matthew 28:19).

Your general support donation helps to compensate IBTM's international teachers for research, developing new materials, and traveling / speaking in the developing world.   

Total need: $120,000 (full funding)
Received in 2025: $10,656
Giving in 2024: $121,282

One-time donations for TEACHING or TRAINING can be given by check (made out to "IBTM") and sent to 957 Shy Lane, Marietta GA 30060.

Perhaps, instead of a one-time donation, you would like to become a monthly supporter. Click, and then indicate how much support you're able to provide: For example, $25, $50, $75, $100... U.S. citizens, please do not send donations via Paypal (no deductibility).

(see special note—scroll down)

Once we establish contact, you'll be asked to provide the relevant financial information. (For US residents, a tax receipt will be sent within a few days of your donation.) IBTM is a tax-exempt entity with 501(c)(3) status, EIN 20-3467033. All contributions made to IBTM are tax-deductible.


Through mentoring, younger teachers are rising up worldwide. "Entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others" (2 Timothy 2:2). Currently the circle of teachers affiliated with this ministry is about 80 men and women in all.

Total need: $120,000 (for full funding for all IBTM-associated teachers)
Received in 2025: $1933
Giving in 2023: $120,569


This ministry is founded on the power of the Word. Every year the ministry gives away (or steeply subsidizes) $10,000-$20,000 worth of teaching materials. Since I fly so much, I am usually allowed to check three heavy bags (95 kg, or 210 lbs), whenever I fly. Most of the weight allowance goes to books. That's great, and we've been able to move many tons of teaching materials since 2003. Donors have always risen up and met the needs—fully.

Let's get Bibles and solid Christian teaching materials into the hands of as many persons as possible! "The word of God is living and active..." (Hebrews 4:12).

Target: $20,000 (+ $5736, Nepal school)
Received in 2025: $2244 (+ $900, Nepal)
Giving in 2024: $21,580 (+ $6134, Nepal school)

SPECIFIC NEEDS, 2025 (Sponsorship fully met in black; outstanding needs in blue.)
Requests—feel free to identify areas of need. (Please email me.)

$500—Burundi—$256 given, $254 to go
$1000—Kenya—$500 given, $500 to go
$700—Bangladesh—$413 given, $287 to go
$2955—Nigeria (Lagos)—$2582 given, $273 to go
$418—Jordan—$388 given, $130 to go
$700—Botswana—$450 given, $250 to go
$700—Malawi—$450 given, $250 to go
$2328—Sri Lanka (Colombo)—$2199 given so far, $129 to go
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

$5,736—Nepalese school uniforms, special ed teacher, supplies, heaters, and tech—$2155 given

Bahrain—$438, Bangladesh (Dhaka)—$413, Bangladesh (Khagracchari)—$233, Cameroon—$365, Colombia—$96, Estonia—$73, Ghana—$73, India—$465,
Ivory Coast—$500 (medical needs), Jamaica—$65, Jordan—$320, Kuwait—$1560, Lesotho—$402, Nepalese school uniforms & special ed teacher—$6134, Nigeria (Jos)—$2696, Nigeria (Lagos)—$2382, Oman—$140, Pakistan—$468, Philippines—$484, Qatar—$1040, Saudi Arabia—$1643, Sierra Leone—$317, Sri Lanka & India—$170, Sri Lanka—$2199, Trinidad—$180, Turkey—$47, Uganda (Kayunga village)—$791 (Bibles), Uganda (Kampala)—$1472, Uganda medical needs—$26, United Arab Emirates—$3236

Africa (multiple nations)—$3597, China—$114, Czechia—$576, D.R. Congo—$207, Ghana–$2544, Greece—$360, India—$450, Ireland—$620, Ivory Coast—$207, Jamaica—$1400, Kenya—$424, Kuwait—$450, Moldova—$165, Nigeria—$1580, Philippines—$900, Sierra Leone—$630, South Africa—$238, Uganda—$783, Zimbabwe—$477, Uganda medical needs—$50, Nepal school—$5750

Philippines (Cebu & Asia Pacific Leadership Academy)—$2898, China—
$3250, Chile (Santiago)—$90, Mexico (Monterrey)—$1306, Lithuania (Vilnius)$141, Miscellaneous—$1020, South Africa (Johannesburg)—$99, Indonesia—$4345, Bahrain$168, Hungary (Budapest)—$105, Oman—$150, Nepal (Kathmandu)—$810, Turkey (Istanbul)—$688Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo)–$100, Tobago—$242, Guam—$318, Norway—$168, Developing nations—$150, Czech Republic (Prague)—$69, Mexico (Tijuana)—$100, Puerto Rico—$70, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)—$105, India (Pune)—$250, India (Bangalore)—$338, India (Chennai)—$141, India (Mumbai)—$1939, India (Trichi)—$40, India (New Delhi)—$28, Ghana (Accra)—$250, Nicaragua (Malpaisillo)—$570, United Arab Emirates—$99, Jamaica—$251, Honduras (San Pedro Sula)—$60, Moldova—$177, Spain (Madrid)—$76, Zambia (Lusaka)—$190Nigeria (Abuja)—$316, Bulgaria (Sofia)—$56, Malta—$58, Nepalese school uniforms—$6500

China—$466, Ellicottville NY church plant—$123, Ukraine—$27, Liverpool—$250, Manchester—$140, Estonia—$152, Latvia—$118, Bulgaria—$98, Switzerland—$157, Norway—$300, Grenada—$150, India—$1500, Pittsburgh singles—$349, Persian Gulf (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait)—$4200, Kuwait—$730, Albania—$24, Philippines—$1500, Lagos, Nigeria—$146, Kingston, Jamaica—$61, Mexico—$450

2020: China—$97, Bolivia—$163, Paris campus ministry—$108, Monterrey, Mexico—$300, Sydney, Australia—$52, US campus ministries—$3825, UK campus ministry—$136, Bahamas—$639, Salem, India—$714, Africa (unspecified)—$293, India (mainly Bangalore)—$5319, Pakistan—$315, miscellaneous nations—$753

2019: Amman, Jordan—$56, Antananarivo, Madagascar—$199, Baku, Azerbaijan—$199 Bangalore, India—$41, Blantyre, Malawi—$199, Bridgetown, Barbados—$68, China—$462, Dhaka, Bangladesh—$138, Guwahati, India—$124, Jakarta, Indonesia—$51, Johannesburg, South Africa—$2079, Johor Baru, Malaysia — $54, Kiev, Ukraine—$244, La Paz, Bolivia—$98, Lagos, Nigeria—$658, Lilongwe & Blantyre, Malawi—$446, Lucknow, India—$253, Lusaka, Zambia—$418, Maputo, Mozambique—$1045, Mexico City, Mexico—$1189, Montego Bay, Jamaica—$230, Nassau, Bahamas—$130, Phnom Penh, Cambodia—$244, Port Elizabeth, South Africa—$280, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea —$124, Riga, Latvia—$503, Tel Aviv, Israel—$567, Tbilisi, Georgia—$309

2018: Lusaka, Zambia—$300, Accra, Ghana—$467, Bangalore, India—$300, Barbados—$700, Blantyre & Lilongwe, Malawi—$876, China—$225, China & Burma—$300, Clemson SC—$51, Gaborone, Botswana—$1680, Grenada, W.I.—$101, Harare & Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and Lusaka, Zambia—$126, Havana, Cuba—$94, Jakarta, Indonesia—$279, Kingston, Montego Bay, & St Catherine's), Jamaica—$600, Jos, Nigeria—$58, Kinshasa, DRC and Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo—$195, La Paz, Bolivia—$106, Lagos, Nigeria—$2285, Muslim Outreach—$89, Port of Spain, Trinidad—$287, St. Vincent, W.I.—$109, Johannesburg, Cape Town, & Durban, South Africa—$2634, Yangon, Myanmar, heavily subsidized website access—$347

In the majority of developing nations around the world, monthly salaries are in the range of $50-$300. Christian books, which typically cost $10-$20, are an exorbitant expense for persons living in such economic situations. Helping Christians and churches through biblical education can make a tremendous difference in building faith and expanding the horizons of readers. The Third World Book Fund is not only for books, but also for Bibles, as well as audio messages, distributed not only to individuals, but also to church libraries. IBTM is a tax-exempt entity with 501(c)(3) status, EIN 20-3467033. All contributions made to IBTM are tax-deductible.

Donations can be made by check ("IBTM") and sent to 957 Shy Lane, Marietta GA 30060 or by credit card (click on one of the DONATE buttons).

For details of donations in previous years, click


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