I believe Mary and Joseph were called "married" before Jesus was born. I do not understand this. Were they really married? And were they allowed to have sex together? And what is the original word for sex outside of marriage? -- Mfundo (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)

Porneia is the word you seek, and it is Greek for sexual sin. It is a very broad word, and includes any sexual act except with one's own spouse. In the days of Joseph and Mary, the "betrothed" couple were legally bound to one another, yet not allowed intercourse until the marriage proper. The practice was similar to the modern western custom of engagement, but stronger. So strong in fact that to put away one's betrothed was tantamount to divorce--since the marriage and its consummation were foregone conclusions. Joseph and Mary were not technically married when Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit--hence the scandal! And since they were not married in the Lord's eyes, there was no sexual relationship. That would have been a grievous sin (Hebrews 13:4).

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