I checked out one of your articles regarding the creation account, where you said, "There are several other scientific insights one can glean from Genesis. For example, Genesis 3 teaches that both male and female possess the seed of life." Unfortunately I can't seem to identify this from the passage. Can you tell me where this is stated? -- Omar

In ancient times it was thought that the man (alone) contributed the seed. (In New Testament Greek, the word for seed is sperma; the Latin word is semen.) Genesis 3:15 mentions the contribution (seed) of the woman -- not just that of the man. That is surprising. The woman's contribution is more than just providing a safe place for the seed of man to take root and grow (the womb)! She is an equal partner in God's phenomenal genetic enterprise. Strictly speaking, Genesis 3 mentions the woman's seed, not the seed of both.

(Sorry for confusion arising from ambiguity. I try to write both accurately and concisely, but I am aware that sometimes am too concise -- which leads to uncertainty among my readers.)

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