How should we proceed with people who in the past were disfellowshiped from the church? In Bulgaria we are asking ourselves, "For how long does the disfellowship apply?" and "If we don't contact them how they will understand we love them and that we really want to help them?" I need for advice or direction so that I (we) can find some answers. -- Miroslav Dolapchie (Sofia)

Please see my paper at the website entitled Church Discipline. However, this paper does not address the question of how long a disfellowship applies. Presumably it applies until there is repentance (in the case of overt sin or refusal to be reconciled with another brother), or a change in doctrine (in the case of a false teacher). Interestingly, In Matthew 18 the Lord says that the brother who refuses to be reconciled should be treated like a pagan or a tax collector. (Now, just how did the Lord treat pagans and tax collectors? Hmm...)

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2004. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.