You wrote, "Whatever resists God's will is evil' (Q0067). Before, I viewed the cosmos as a duality with two forces, good and evil. But as I see things now, that is really a Gnostic way of thinking. Is evil the force of Satan or is it inherent in our nature as human beings? When evil is present, can I be sure Satan is present at the same time? -- Mans Lindkvist (Stockholm)

The Bible certainly recognizes two opposites of good and evil, but they are not equal. Nor can evil even exist independently; it must be incarnate. I am glad you are thinking philosophically about your worldview (Weltanschauung).

Though I suspect ths is true, I am not totally sure that Satan is present wherever evil is found. We can be sure that it is Satan's nature to exploit our sin and weakness and evil. The Bible nowhere says that Satan is omnipresent. Perhaps he delegates his evil to lesser powers, but even that is difficult to prove biblically. To equate Satan with evil is, in effect, to eliminate Satan as a truly existent being. (Personifying evil is the equivalent.)

What I think you can be sure of is that, where you find evil -- be it in your life or in someone else's -- Satan's will is that you give in to it, cover it over, make excuses, forget the gospel of grace, etc.

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