I have been told that women can not correct a man (especially an evangelist) but must remain silent. I understand that women are not to correct/teach men in public nor are they to lead a church. However, in matters where I am convicted that someone has preached something incorrectly from the pulpit, I have always felt at liberty to go to my brother and show him my fault just between the two of us. I have now been told that this is wrong. Any insight you can add would be helpful. -- Lea Brown

As you put it, I think you have your head on straight. Public interruptions are one thing; giving feedback in private is quite another. Hopefully all brothers--leaders especially--will be secure enough to receive feedback or constructive criticism without reacting. Matthew 18 nowhere says a sister must not speak the truth to a brother. At the same time, of course, let us all be sure that we are speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), and that what we are saying is necessary and beneficial (Ephesians 4:29). Timing, discretion, and wisdom are also highly valued in the scriptures.

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