Is Paul saying that God will save all mankind and especially those who believe? Or was he trying to show Timothy that the real believers (true teachers of God s word) are the ones he will save? Or that God wants to save all men but he will only save those who live according to his word? -- Renzo Minaya

Jesus is often described in scripture as the Savior of the world (for example John 4:42). But this implies potential not actuality. He is savior only of those who are willing. It is not in God's nature to force himself on others. When we meet strangers, we are thinking biblically if we can envision their one day becoming Christians.

1 Timothy 2:4 also speaks to your question. But we are not thinking biblically if we think along with the universalists that everyone is already saved or will be fine in the end. That notion has a nice appeal but lacks scriptural support.

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