If a person is a believer, one who is striving with all his heart to follow Jesus (and Him only), then does it matter what denomination he belongs to? Is he, by your understanding of the Bible, a true disciple? -- Earl Glass

I do not know of one church group that holds a monopoly on the truth. On the other hand, nor do I believe that "all churches are okay." These two perspectives must be held in balance, and they are in a sort of dynamic tension. We are not saved by zeal, effort, or sincerity.

Romans 9:1-3 and 10:1-2 address this matter. Please read these scriptures and see if they help you. As important as striving wholeheartedly to know God is necessary, it is not the only thing, for we are not saved by mere effort. That would be the false doctrine of salvation by works, which I am sure you do not believe in.

The best starting place for discussion is what is right, not who is right. Jesus warns us strongly about the need to follow the straight and narrow. His words must be heeded (Matthew 7:13-27).

For more on this, please consult the following:
* Who Is My Brother? (Audio CDs) The 2006 International Teachers' Seminar.
* Friend or Foe? (DVD, 2007). Three lessons on how to think about this question.
* Anchored for Life (Audio CDs)
* Who Is My Brother? (book), by F. LaGard Smith

This article is copyrighted and is for private use and study only. © 2003. Reprints or public distribution is prohibited without the express consent of Douglas Jacoby.