In chapter 38 Ezekiel is told to prophesy against Gog of the land of Magog. Who is this person/ nation God is talking about? "Gog and Magog" in Revelation symbolize the world's persecution of the church. In Ezekiel 38-39, I can think of two possibilities (excluding the premillennial doctrine):

1. God is referring to a particular person/nation that will attack Israel, such as Daniel prophesied about the desecration of the temple and the persecution that the Jews suffered from the Greeks. My problem with this is that I can't match a person/nation and event to the oracle.
2. God is using symbolism to reassure the Jews that he will take care of them and protect them from any harm. There is no specific nation or event in mind; Gog and Magog symbolize any nation that tries to harm Israel. This seems more reasonable to me considering chapters 40-48, where Ezekiel is shown a vision of a new temple. Considering the fact that this temple was never built, and that it has a river flowing out from under it and great trees along the banks, I think that these chapters are all symbolic and were meant to reassure the Jews and to comfort them. It was to symbolize the fact that God is with them, and to remind them of their responsibilities to obey the Law.

What is your take on these chapters? -- Jim Galland (Atlanta)

This is a great question, probably a bit more involved than most which I answer here. Sounds like you have done a lot of reading, so I would like to recommend a book to you. It is Jim McGuiggan's book, Ezekiel, and it is available from Star Bible Publications. Phone 1-800-433-7507. My view: Gog / Magog represent the powers of the world that assail the people of God (in general), not a specific nation fighting against Israel. In other words, I agree with your Possibility 2. Again, sorry I am not replying at length to the question.

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