What are some useful websites I can visit on Christian evidences?

There are many many useful websites out there. While some are sloppy or claim more than the evidence really warrants most are helpful and reliable in what they present. Once you find a good website " look for links to other sites -- just as you would check the bibliography of a good book for further reading.

Let me suggest just a couple of sites run by friends of mine:
www.Doesgodexist.org run by John Clayton
www.Evidenceforchristianity.org operated by John Oakes

In addition " I have greatly enjoyed the evidences work of Ravi Zacharias (www.Rzim.org) and Hugh Ross (http://www.reasons.org). You may also enjoy William Labe Craig's site (http://www.leaderu.com/offices/billcraig).

Happy browsing!

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