I'm a former Muslim, now a disciple of Christ. I recently got into a bit of a theological argument with Muslims, who argued that God does not have a son, and that the Bible has been corrupted. I tried to answer them, but since I was not "allowed" to use the Bible (they believe it's been changed), I had only my convictions to back me up. I would appreciate any references you could give me on Islam. -- Mohammad (Canada)

Well, Mohammad, you had your convictions backing you up, but also God himself. You have taken a stand in becoming a Christian, and as you are experiencing, this means there will be some sacrifices. I am proud of you for your determination. You may not have been 'allowed' to use the Bible, but it is possible to use the Qur'an itself in refuting the charge that the Bible has been corrupted!

My audio series, The Muslim Challenge, or my DVD series, Undersatanding Islam, should be very helpful to you as a former Muslim. You will learn that Muslims seemed to have had no problem with the Christian scriptures for many centuries; the allegation of corruption came later. And ironically, the Qur'an itself has been changed, edited, suppressed, updated!

I might simply mention to your friends that whereas Mohammed was arguing against the crude pagan concept that gods and goddesses produced children, Christians accept nothing of the kind! Rather, they believe that the Son's relationship with the Father is not one of begetting, but is eternal. (For an excellent book on these and other points, see Geisler and Saheeb, Answering Islam.)

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