with Douglas Jacoby
8 January 2025
Good morning from Lancashire! Yes, after a long absence, it’s great to be back in England, to see the snow on the mountains across the bay, and to play with our dog. We hope the first week of the new year has been good for you.
Before going any further, let me say how thrilled and humbled we are by your overflowing generosity. Because of you, IBTM closed strong in 2024. The IBTM Board—we met last week—were highly encouraged! We will continue to teach, train, and provide materials for thousands of Christians and seekers alike in the year ahead. Thank you for your gracious support!
In this bulletin:
- Online Image Bearers Conference
- Turkey 2025!
- Moments I Wish I Could Take Back (5): Sydney & Birmingham
- Resilience Training
- Widening Mercy: Is God’s Will for our Sexuality Evolving?
In The Gulag Archipelago—a stunning book I finished reading just last month—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn writes, “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts.” In our day, it can be easy to view the world through an “us” vs. “them” lens. We may be oblivious to the sinful desires at war within us (1 Peter 2:11). With this in mind, the Image Bearers conference this weekend promises to be as challenging as it is interesting.
My assignment: “The Dangers of Christian Nationalism”—11:10-11:55 am ET. Click on the image above to sign up for the conference. The talks begin at 9:30 am and finish at 4:45 pm. Other speakers include Dontaye Carter, Pam George, Ingrid Levine, Thabani Mashava, and Dave Swanson. Otoma Edje is the emcee.
As we think back on some of the mistakes we've made in our lives, wouldn't it be great to be able to go back (in time) and get a "redo"? Alas, that is not possible. Yet we can still learn from these moments. In part 5 of this series I share some dumb things I’ve done, from dropping a baby in Birmingham to leading out of insecurity in Sydney. Click HERE for the latest talk (9 minutes).
COME TO TURKEY! After Israel, Turkey is without a doubt the most significant land of the Bible—with 100s of ancient Christians sites. This year’s tours are both located in western Turkey. The first (seven days) centers on the Seven Churches of Revelation. Click HERE for more information. The second event (10 days) commemorates the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. Details HERE. |
If you’ve never been to Turkey, why not start saving for a visit this coming June? Next week we’ll also tell you how to win a free tour. And if you’re interested in Nicaea, and are studying church history at a graduate level, there may be a scholarship for you. Let us hear from you.
If you’re interested in learning now to maintain high levels of effectiveness and well being through times of challenge or disruption, resilience training may be for you. Intrigued? Click HERE for more information.
t’s important for us who are Bible believers to learn from thinkers in different camps. Sprinkle is an open-minded, meticulous biblical scholar who rejects LGBTQ+ theology, yet has taken the time to hear the other side out. His review of Richard and Christopher Hays’ recent work exemplifies both fairness and biblical integrity.—DJ
Hands down, my favorite thing about this book is that it exudes a desire to love LGBTQ people. I’ve never met either author, but if the tone of the book represents their hearts, they are zealous about seeing LGBTQ people flourish in the church. And they express righteous indignation for the ways LGBTQ people have been dehumanized by Christians. While I theologically diagnose the problem differently than they do, I found myself resonating with much of the heart behind the book.
For what it’s worth, I too advocate for the full welcome and inclusion of people who experience different sexual orientations. I just disagree with the authors about what sexual ethic followers of Jesus are welcomed and included into, regardless of their sexual orientation. KEEP READING
That’s all for now. On 15 January: another talk in “Moments I Wish I Could Take Back,” the upcoming webinar with Aziz Abu Sarah on Israel and Palestine, an article on “Medicalized Child Abuse,” and more. Until then, have a great week!