Sheep Not Goats is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization helping people in the poorest country in Central America feed their families through the work of their hands. We built a small farm and trained a group of women to knit Sheep Dreamzzz Baby Blankets.
Writing from Nicaragua
We are sending this from Malpaisillo in the León department (state) of Nicaragua. We came down (only Sandy's 2nd visit in over two years due to COVID) to work on farm projects, try out some new knitting projects, and bring back a lot of new baby blankets.
We'll update you on the projects and about a few specific needs where you can help if you like. As always, thanks to all current and past supporters for your donations. |
Something New
We've been preparing to begin producing eggs for sale, which of course means housing egg-laying hens. For the last few months Hessell has focused on getting a henhouse ready and tomorrow we will bring in 200 4-week-old chickens.
Preparations are done so tomorrow we're ready for the pollitos. A local egg farmer (also from the US but here for almost 2 decades) has generously provided much advice and has housed our birds for the last month - and also fed and provided the required vaccinations (we paid him but Jason's involvement has been invaluable). |
Huevos en Camino
Translation: "Eggs on the Way!" |
Much of the work was funded by a generous friend & donor in Ohio. Once these birds are producing eggs and we are selling them, we hope to replicate what we've done to double the production and also not have downtime when we have to get new young birds (the old ones get sold for food).
We're excited about this new opportunity to produce income for our workers.
Our Senior Friends
Our team has continued to make and deliver weekly breakfasts to the local seniors throughout the season of COVID, at their homes vs. on the porch of the clinic next to the farm.
This week they will learn that the following week we'll return to the original location so they can eat and enjoy time together every Thursday morning.
We're All-Solar
In case you didn't know, our facility isn't currently using any expensive external power from the government utility, saving us hundreds of dollars each month. All systems are functioning fine although from time to time we will need to replace some components.

This was made possible over the course of several years by one of our donors in Florida. It's quite nice not to receive a $300-$500 bill each month, esp. as during most months we have to run pumps a lot for irrigation and our fish.
We also don't use any water from the city apart from a few bucks a month when the workers turn on one spigot for drinking water. |
On Friday we got to take one of the elders here (who we know from our breakfasts) to a clinic that we trust about 30 minutes away for an medical examination. Ramon turned 85 in May and, like most people here, has many health issues, but he still gets around and always wants to engage. In his case there were respiratory problems and he got several medications - most free from the clinic, another we paid for.
It's great to be able to step up when there is a need like this, and by going with him we can ensure that our resources get used properly. One of our workers, Raúl, went with us and later visited with Ramon's son to involve him in his father's care. During the trip, I (Steve) also managed a tetanus shot as earlier in the week I came off a ladder in the henhouse onto a piece of wood with upturned nails. Slight perforation of my right foot. |
You Can Help
Following are some specific needs we found about once we got to Nicaragua. At the end of the list we'll tell you how to provide support if you are inclined to do so.
Wheelchair for Doña Juanquina
While we were out delivering breakfasts on Thursday, we became aware of the need for a wheelchair for a member of the group. Juanquina can't really walk any longer without assistance and her family asked if we could help with a wheelchair. We want to provide one, and the cost is $80.
We'll do it as a loan so that when the inevitable happens we can get it back to potentially help someone else. |
Glasses for Argentina
Argentina, on the right below, was one of our first two knitters back in 2018. Here she isn't even wearing glasses but now she does and her eyes continue to fail and she needs a new prescription and pair.
We want Argentina to see well in general, and especially since she is one of our most experienced and productive knitters. We need her output and she needs the income!
This visit she knitted a 100% organic blanket from some new yarn we wanted to try out, and is making some baby booties at home this weekend (by crochet) for us to look at tomorrow. We're trying out designs for scarves and boot cuffs/toppers. All input is welcome!
World Discipleship Summit
Some Great News!
This conference in Orlando was to take place in July 2020, but due to COVID it's now in late July/early August of this year. Last time around we experienced the almost miraculous approval of 3 of our knitters to attend and help us in our booth selling blankets.

Maria (left) was just approved for this year, and Brenda has her interview at the embassy July 8 but we fully expect her to be coming (sadly we had to pay the $160/person application fees again with no credit from before).
At the conference they will be helping us in the booth and perhaps also doing some on-the-spot knitting. They'll get to attend some classes and with some time with us in Saint Augustine beforehand this will be a great once-in-a-lifetime experience for them |
How You Can Help
Specific needs you can help with are the following:
- Airfare - We don't know the dates yet so can't be exact, but the round trip on Avianca is currently running about $1000 each (Avianca is still the only airline option). At least they no longer need the $150 COVID test to enter the US.
- Conference Registration - this is $150/person for international attendees. There is a Spanish track and we know they will benefit; it's also a great opportunity for them to meet more Spanish speakers.
- Wages - We will definitely compensate them when they are doing things to help prepare for the conference and if they help in the booth (and are not knitting). Perhaps $100 each.
- Spending money - chances are they will never leave Nicaragua again, and we know they want to bring gifts to their families. $75 each.
Also for WDS Vision 2022
Order a blanket and save $15 plus shipping and sales tax (if in Florida) by picking it up at the conference. This also presents a unique opportunity for people outside the US to get a blanket.
How to Give
You can help financially with any of the above-mentioned needs (Juanquina's wheelchair, Argentina's glasses, or SheepDreamzzz at WDS by donating on the Sheep Not Goats site. You can enter any amount you choose, and it will be tax-deductible in the US. Thank you! Then send us an email at steve@sheepnotgoats.org if you wish to specify exactly how you want us to apply your gift.